Writing about music in Stage 6 – Music 1 aural skills
Support the development of aural skills in Music 1. Build students' understanding of the Music 1 HSC aural skills examination structure and refine their written responses according to the concepts of music.
Supporting documents
- Timbre terminology (DOCX 234 KB)
- Compositional devices (DOCX 220 KB)
- The concepts of music checklist (DOCX 221 KB)
- Vocabulary (DOCX 216 KB)
- Sample 1a (DOCX 505 KB)
- Sample 2a (DOCX 321 KB)
- Sample 3a (DOCX 371 KB)
- Sample 1b (DOCX 467 KB)
- Sample 2b (DOCX 384 KB)
- Sample 3b (DOCX 350 KB)
- Concepts of music card game (PDF 6.4 MB)
- Activity 7 – reorder it! (DOCX 220 KB)
Syllabus outcomes from Music 1 Stage 6 Syllabus (2009)External link © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2021.