Find answers to your questions about teaching in a rural or remote NSW public school.
General FAQS
From 1 January 2019, teachers working at eligible 6- and 8- point incentive schools and 4-, 6- and 8-point Connected Communities incentive schools will be eligible to receive a Rural Teacher Incentive with a value of $20,000 to $30,000, dependent on the remoteness of the school.
Rental subsidy is included as part of the Rural Teacher Incentive. All other existing incentives are available as before.
Also from 1 January, proficient teachers who are currently in a position at 6- and 8- point incentive schools and 4-, 6- and 8-point Connected Communities incentive schools will qualify for a $10,000 experienced teacher benefit, payable for up to five years.
More information on new and existing incentives is available here.
Permanent classroom teachers accrue transfer points according to their school's location. Transfer points are one factor used to rank teachers applying for transfer in relative priority.
Information about teacher promotion and transfer including transfer points and the transfer process, can be found on the department’s promotion and transfer website and in the Staffing Procedures.
A range of allocations and incentives are available to both permanent and temporary teachers in rural and remote locations. These incentives have different eligibility criteria and in some cases are only available to permanent teachers. More information regarding salaries and allowances is available here, and at the department's benefits calculator.
From 1 January 2019, teachers working at eligible 4-, 6-, and 8-transfer point incentive and 4-, 6- and 8-point Connected Communities incentive schools will be eligible to receive a Rural Teacher Incentive with a value of $20,000 to $30,000, dependent on the remoteness of the school.
Additional incentives are dependent on location and type of employment. These incentives may be taxable. More information on tax and incentives is available in the Rural Teacher Incentive Procedure.
The department advises teachers to seek independent financial advice to determine the tax implications of incentives or benefits.
The department has a published list of incentive schools. In addition, the department has an interactive benefits calculator which lists the benefits available by school.
Yes, there is no requirement to move schools and the incentives are designed to support ongoing employment in a rural or remote school.
Major financial benefits
To apply for the rental subsidy, fill out the form and send the completed form to EdConnect (further details located at the bottom of the form). More information on rental subsidy is available on the department’s salaries and allowances page.
Schools can nominate positions that have been advertised two or more times in a rural and remote 6- and 8-point incentive school or 6- and 8-point Connected Communities school to receive the $20,000 recruitment bonus. More information is available in the Recruitment Bonus Procedure.
A temporary teacher needs to be engaged for four terms or more at the eligible school to receive the bonus. If the teacher leaves the position before the end of the engagement they will only be eligible to be paid part of the bonus, proportional to the time they were in the position. For example, if the engagement is for four terms and the teacher leaves after two terms the teacher would only be eligible for a bonus of $10,000. More information can be found in the Recruitment Bonus Procedure.
Professional benefits
Teachers are eligible to apply for an incentive transfer at different points based on the school where they are teaching. Refer to Appendix B of the Staffing Procedure for a list of schools and their incentive transfer eligibility period.
Provided you have met the requirements to be eligible for a transfer, you may make an application for transfer to schools of your choosing.
The length of a transfer is dependent on a number of factors including the type of transfer, number of vacancies and the combination of subjects. Accordingly the time to complete a transfer can vary.
Information about teacher promotion and transfer, including transfer points and the transfer process, can be found on the department’s promotion and transfer website and in the Staffing Procedures.
Teachers are able to apply for a transfer on compassionate grounds. Applications are evaluated based on their circumstances and approved by a department panel. In addition, teachers are able to apply for any positions advertised as a merit selection on iworkfor.nsw.gov.auExternal link.
Benefits and incentives
Learn more about the specific financial benefits available across a range of rural and remote NSW destinations.
Be inspired
Hear from teachers who have chosen careers in rural and remote destinations.
Contact us
For more information regarding rural and remote benefits and incentives please contact EdConnect.
- Existing employees of the department, phone 1300 32 32 32 (select option 3) or log an online enquiryExternal link.
- New applicants to the department, phone 1300 30 04 98.