Translated documents
Information is available in many languages.
Telephone the interpreter service on 131 450 if you need help talking with your school. This service is free. Listen in your language.
Search by document name
- Anaphylaxis Procedures for Schools Appendix 1 - (allergy information proforma)
- Anaphylaxis Procedures for Schools Appendix 2 - (parent/carer authorisation to contact doctor)
- Cyberbullying - see Online safety
- Anti-bullying fact sheets for families translated in 9 languages can be accessed via the Bullying No WayExternal linkExternal link website
- Anti-bullying - parents and carers tips
- Anti-Racism Policy - Information for parents and carers
- Anti-Racism Policy - Letter to parents and carers
- Fact sheets about making complaints under the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA) can be found on the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)External linkExternal link website in 64 languages.
For assessment information see documents listed under:
- Best Start
- Reporting
Compulsory schooling
Parent communication
Absentee notes and notices
- Completing Absentee Notes and Notices - Information for parents and carers
- Absentee note 1 - One day absence
- Absentee note 2 - More than one day absence
- Absentee note 3 - Part day absence
- Absentee notice 1
- Absentee notice 2
Australian Early Development Census (AEDC)
Best Start Kindergarten Assessment
Child protection education
- Early Stage 1 - Information letter for parents and carers
- Stage 1 - Information letter for parents and carers
- Stage 2 - Information letter for parents and carers
- Stage 3 - Information letter for parents and carers
- Stage 4 - Information letter for parents and carers
- Stage 5 - Information letter for parents and carers
Community harmony
- Middle East letter to parents
- NSW factsheet for people arriving from Lebanon
- Recent community events - (letter to parents/carers)
- Helping children and young people cope with traumatic events
- See also Religious intolerance
- see School Counselling Service
- Learning from home
- Translated information on COVID-19 is available on the Australian Government Health websiteExternal linkExternal link
- Translated information developed by the Ministry of Health
- Translated Fact sheetsExternal linkExternal link on Testing positive to COVID-19 and managing COVID-19 at home - scroll up for the English version
- Translated information on COVID-19 is available on the NSW Health websiteExternal linkExternal link
- Translated information is available on the SBS websiteExternal linkExternal link
- Translated information on various topics to do with COVID-19 can be found on the Department of Home AffairsExternal linkExternal link website.
- CEH (Centre for culture, ethnicity and health) and the Victorian State Government have worked together to produce the Long COVID HelpExternal linkExternal link website which provides information in various languages about the symptoms and effects of Long COVID
- Disability Advocacy Futures Program
- Disability Standards for Education 2005External link - Translated Information resources for students and their carers are available on the Australian Government Department of Education website
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) consent form
- Nationally consistent collection of data
- Getting ready for school - Disability
Early Learning
- Learning Outcome Cards have been translated in 15 languages. These learning outcome cards unpack learning in the early years and show how this learning links to learning at school.
- My new preschool social story has been translated in 15 languages. Parents can use the booklet to talk to their child about starting preschool and what happens there.
- Activities to complete at home - information for parents and carers
- Year 1 Phonics screening check information for parents and carers is available in 35 languages.
Enrolment application forms
- Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
- Application to enrol in a NSW Government preschool
- Moving into Year 7 in a NSW Government school
Procedures for secondary school enrolment - Letters to parents/carers
- Placement in Year 7 - Letter 1A
- Placement in Year 7 - Letter 1B
- Notification of acceptance into Year 7 - Letter 2
- Notification of an unsuccessful non-local placement (on waiting list) - Letter 3a
- Notification of an unsuccessful non-local placement (no waiting list) - Letter 3b
- Notification of receipt of application to enrol - Letter 4
- Confirmation of enrolment in Year 7 - Letter 5
Enrolment policy changes (2024)
- Parent/carer information form
- Medical information form
- Water activities advice form
- Swimming activities advice form
- Parent/carer consent form
Head lice
- Parental advice concerning head lice
- Head lice treatment options - Information for parents and carers
- Letter to parents/carers concerning participation in Nitbusters Day
- Consent form for participation in Nitbusters Day
- Nitbusters Day follow up letter to parents/carers
- Anaphylaxis - listed under letter A
- COVID-19 - listed under letter C
- Diabetes - listed under letter D
- Head lice - listed under letter H
- Medication - listed under letter M
- Meningococcal - listed under letter M
- Mental health - listed under letter M
- School Counselling Service - listed under letter S
- Vaccination - listed under letter V
- Health TranslationsExternal linkExternal link website provides translations on various topics through a keyword search. The website is supported by the Victorian Government and is managed and maintained by the Centre for Culture Ethnicity and Health
- Healthy KidsExternal linkExternal link website which is an initiative of the NSW Ministry of Health, provides a number of key health message fact sheets for parents/carers available in translation
- Multicultural Health Communication ServiceExternal linkExternal link website run by the NSW Government Health provides translations on various topics through a keyword search
- The Sydney children's Hospitals NetworkExternal linkExternal link website which is part of the NSW Government provides translations on various health topics listed by language
High School Transition
- Moving into Year 7 in a NSW Government school - listed under letter E for Enrolment
- Why choose a public high school? - Information for parents and carers
Higher School Certificate
- The Common Grade Scale for Preliminary courses
- HSC minimum standard fact sheet
- HSC minimum standard parent meeting request
Knives in schools
- Letter to non-Sikh community parents
- Letter to Sikh community parents
- Parent, carer and student factsheet
Learning Outcome Cards
- Listed under Early Learning
Literacy and numeracy
Medication (prescribed) - letters to parents/carers
- Request a meeting to discuss child's health condition
- Confirm arrangements for administration of prescribed medication
- Request completion of the form for support at school of a student's health condition
- Meningococcal fact sheets in 14 languages can be accessed via the Multicultural Health Communication ServiceExternal linkExternal link website
Mental health
- Mental health information brochures on various topics can be accessed via the Embrace Multicultural Mental HealthExternal linkExternal link website and are available in translation.
- The Transcultural Mental Health CentreExternal linkExternal link provides resources in various languages.
National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Consent Form
- Listed under Disability
- Explore a mix of fun games, useful resources and creative activities that you can do with your child, available in 13 languages other than English on the Everyday Maths Hub.
- Numeracy resources for parents/carers listed under P for Parents count too
Online courses for parents and community members
- Various courses for people who want to learn more about computers and conducting online activities such as skype are available via the Be ConnectedExternal linkExternal link section of the eSafety CommissionerExternal linkExternal link website. Short guides to each course are available in translation at the end of each course.
Online (e) safety
- Cyberbullying and online safety information can be accessed via the eSafety CommissionerExternal linkExternal link website and is available in translation
- Helping students with distressing online content is available in 5 languages on the e-safety website External link
- Parents guide to online safety - is available in translation as a hard copy. Order by phone by calling 1800 880 176 or via email from These resources are free of charge.
Parents count too - Numeracy
- Helping your child with counting
- Helping your child with arithmetic
- Helping your child with shapes and objects
- Helping your child with measuring length and area
- Helping your child with measuring volume and mass
- Helping your child with measuring temperature and time
- Helping your child with mental calculations
- Helping your child with patterns and algebra
- Helping your child with representing and interpreting graphs and tables
Permission to publish
Phones in schools
Positive response to parent/carers
- The Australian Government Department of Education and Training website provides translations on Belonging, Being and BecomingExternal linkExternal link: The Early Years Framework for Australia - Information for families
- Please see Early Learning for translations in 15 languages of My new preschool social story
- Welcome to preschool - A parents guide
- Reading with your child at home - (information for parents/carers)
Religious Intolerance
Road safety information
information for parents and carers:
School community
School Counsellor
- School Counselling Service - Information for parents and carers
- School Counselling Service student referral form (for parents and carers)
Selective high schools and opportunity classes
Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education in Ethics (SEE) participation letters
Starting school
- Afghan community school readiness video projectExternal linkExternal link - Videos are available in Hazaragi, Dari and Pashtu to support Afghan families prepare their children for school
- Getting ready for school - Disability - (guide for parents/carers)
- Time to start school - (family guide to starting Kindergarten)
Student use of mobile phones in school
Sun safety
Please scroll to the letter T for the Tell Them From Me student, teacher and parent surveys.
Suspension and expulsion
Parent/carer information
- Formal caution to suspend factsheet
- Suspension factsheet
- Expulsion factsheet
- Appealing a suspension or expulsion
- Supporting your child's wellbeing
Letters to parents/carers
- Parent letter to accompany Formal caution to suspend
- Parent letter to accompany Notice of suspension
- Parent letter to accompany Notice of extension of suspension
- Parent letter to accompany Notice of potential expulsion - behaviour
- Parent letter to accompany Notice of potential expulsion - participation
- Parent letter to accompany Notice of expulsion - behaviour
- Parent letter to accompany Notice of expulsion - participation
- Swimming information - listed under W for Water safety
Telephone interpreter service
Tell Them From Me surveys
Tell Them From Me is a suite of surveys for students, teachers and parents/carers. Translated content includes:
- The parent survey is available in 23 languages. When a school sends the link to the survey, parents are able to choose their language within the survey platform.
- Translated non-consent formsExternal linkExternal link - for parents to sign if they do not want their child to participate.
- Translated text for school newsletters - information about the parent survey for schools to share with their community.
Temporary residents program
- The temporary residents program application form for an Authority to enrol and the Application for fee exemption are available in translation and can be accessed via the NSW Department of Education DE InternationalExternal linkExternal link website
- Flu vaccine information and fact sheets can be accessed via the Australian Government Department of Health websiteExternal linkExternal link and is available in translation
- School-based human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination brochure can be accessed via the Australian Government Department of Health websiteExternal linkExternal link and is available in translation
- School vaccination program information can be accessed via the NSW Government HealthExternal linkExternal link website and is available in translation
Warning letters
- Non-completion of a Higher School Certificate (HSC) Course
- Non-completion of a Preliminary Course
- Non-completion of a Stage 5 (Years 9-10) Course
Water safety
- Beach Safety information can be accessed via the Waverley CouncilExternal linkExternal link website and is available in translation
- School swimming and water safety program - Message to parents/carers
- School swimming and water safety program - Consent form
- Water safety information can be found on the Health TranslationsExternal linkExternal link website