Preschools on non-government school sites grant program
Information about the Preschools on non-government school sites grant program, to build new or upgrade existing preschools on at least 50 non-government school sites.
The Preschools on non-government school sites grant program (the program) provides grant funding to build new or upgrade existing preschools on at least 50 non-government school sites, at both Independent and Catholic schools in NSW. It is designed to improve access to preschools in high-growth areas. School sites will be selected based on socio-economic status, student demographics and classification as a special school.
The program is administered on behalf of the NSW Government by Catholic Schools NSWExternal link (CSNSW) and The Association of Independent Schools of NSWExternal link (AISNSW) as ‘Grant Authorities’.
Eligible non-government schools can apply for grant funding under the two program streams:
- New builds: grants of up to $4 million to support major capital works that will build new preschools on selected non-government school sites and grants for planning purposes.
- Upgrades to existing preschools: grants of up to $350,000 to support minor capital works and grants for planning purposes (for example, building of indoor or outdoor play spaces, renovations to existing facilities and minor expansions).
The Deputy Premier is responsible for consideration and approval of grants.
Objectives of the program
The program will support more children and families to access quality preschool across NSW.
The program complements the NSW Government’s commitment to build 100 public preschools co-located with public primary schools by 2027.
Grants under the program will be directed towards non-government schools that provide primary education (primary schools and composite (K-12) schools) and are located in high-growth areas, and selected based on; socio-economic status, student demographics and classification as a special school.
Eligibility for Non-Government Schools
To be eligible for funding under the program, a non-government school must:
- be registered for funding assistance under the Education Act 1990 (NSW) (the Act)
- not operate on a ‘for profit’ basis within the meaning of section 83C of the Act
- be affiliated with one of the two Grant Authorities to the satisfaction of the relevant Grant Authority
- either own the land or have a lease on the land and/or buildings for a period commensurate with the period in which the grant may be required to be repaid if the school no longer provides education services.
Funding under the Program
Eligible non-government schools and non-government school authorities may apply for funding for the planning, construction, alteration, extension, renovation, or upgrading of educational facilities, including:
- new capital developments to increase preschool enrolments
- refurbishment of existing facilities to increase preschool enrolments or provide facilities and learning spaces at an acceptable standard.
Funding is also available for the following types of work:
- the preparation of sites associated with the building project
- the purchase of essential furnishings and equipment associated with the project
- architectural, engineering and other professional fees (except general legal and bank fees)
- essential ground improvements associated with the project
- costs associated with meeting Council development application conditions
- costs incurred to comply with government (local, state and Commonwealth) legislation.
How to apply
There will be 2 submission rounds in 2025 and 2026. Eligible non-government schools should submit applications to their relevant Grant Authority. Grant Authorities will set and communicate their own deadlines for school applications. Please contact your relevant Grant Authority for more details.
The Program Guidelines (PDF 693KB) include information about the eligibility criteria, selection criteria, timing of the grant rounds, application requirements, and process.
Eligible non-government schools should submit applications to their relevant Grant Authority.
The Deputy Premier is responsible for considering and approving grants.
Application assessment
Each Grant Authority will submit to the department a list of projects recommended for funding, which will include the following details for each project:
- the name and details of the non-government school
- the type of project (new build or upgrade)
- proposed commencement and expected completion date of the project
- a brief description of how the project meets the Objectives of the Program and details of the facilities to be provided
- an assessment of how the project meets the Selection Criteria
- the estimated total costs for the project and the recommended funding to be provided
- details of the non-government school’s capacity to co-contribute 5% towards the estimated total costs of the project.
The department will assess applications submitted by each Grant Authority, and successful applications will be determined by the Minister for Education and Early Learning.
Key Dates and Timelines
For 2025, applicants will be notified of the outcomes by 30 May 2025.
Support and contact
For further information on the application process and requirements of the program, please refer to your relevant Grant Authority:
For more general queries, please email the NSW Department of Education at:
Project Evaluation
Projects approved under the program will be published on this website at the end of each submission round each year.
Frequently Asked Questions
A high growth LGA is defined as an LGA that is in the top 10% of LGAs experiencing growth in a 1-, 3- and/or 5-year period. The ABS Regional Population Statistics dataset External linkis used when determining high growth LGAs.
For more information, please refer to Appendix A of the Program Guidelines (PDF 693KB), which lists the LGAs classified as 'high growth.'
Grant Authorities (Catholic Schools NSWExternal link and The Association of Independent Schools of NSWExternal link) will provide non-government schools with support during the application process.
For more information, please refer to the Program Guidelines (PDF 693KB).
Once a project is approved by the Deputy Premier, funds will be released to the Grant Authorities, who are responsible for distributing the funds to the schools approved for grant funding. Grant funding is released twice a year, following the main and supplementary application rounds.
If you do experience unexpected delays, please contact your Grant Authority as soon as possible.
Information, including the steps to set up a new service are available on the department’s website.
Non-governments schools are encouraged to contact their Grant Authority (Catholic Schools NSWExternal link and The Association of Independent Schools of NSWExternal link), or can contact the department on 1800 619 113 (toll free) or email
Further information on reporting requirements for non-government schools and Grant Authorities can be found under the ‘Reporting’ section of the Program Guidelines (PDF 693KB).
There will be 2 submission rounds in 2025 and 2026. Eligible non-government schools should submit applications to the relevant Grant Authority, who will prepare these for the Deputy Premier’s consideration. Grant Authorities will communicate their own deadlines for schools to submit their applications by. Please contact your relevant Grant Authority for more details.
The Program Guidelines (PDF 693KB) include information about the eligibility criteria, selection criteria, application requirements, and process.
Schools must give consideration to applying for service approval in their applications for projects to establish a new preschool. This is required to meet the National Quality Framework (NQF) requirements. Evidence can be provided by submitting a letter from the school, either confirming the school’s commitment to apply for service approval or guaranteeing that any third-party provider or operator of the preschool on the school site will submit their service approval to the satisfaction of the relevant Grant Authority.
Service approval must be obtained prior to the service commencing operations and providing education and care to children. An application must be submitted to the NSW Regulatory Authority. For more information about the approvals process, please visit the NSW Regulatory Authority Approval Policy available on the department website.
Schools or any third-party providers or operators of preschools on school sites must give consideration to maintaining current service approval in their applications for projects to upgrade an existing preschool. This ensures that the preschool will continue to meet the National Quality Framework (NQF) following the upgrade. Evidence of current service approval can be provided by supplying the service approval number of the preschool to the satisfaction of the relevant Grant Authority.
Amended service approval must be obtained prior to any proposed additional places being filled. For more information about applying to the NSW Regulatory Authority and the approvals process, please visit the NSW Regulatory Authority Approval Policy available on the department website. Further information can also be obtained from the NSW Regulatory Authority’s Information and Enquiries team on 1800 619 113 (toll free) or via email
The NSW ECEC Regulatory Authority has published several guidance documents and checklists to assist with provider and/or service approval, including:
- The Provider application process - Provider application process (
- Service approval process and other supporting resources - Service approval (
- Steps to setting up a new service - Steps to set up a new service (
- Child care Planning Guidelines - Government Gazette No 501 of Friday 1 October 2021 ( link
Non-government schools that use third-party providers to deliver preschool services may be eligible to apply for grants to build new facilities or upgrade existing ones.
Not necessarily. For these types of arrangements, whether or not a school operates for profit will depend on the specific circumstances of the matter.
The Minister for Education and Early Learning may determine that a school is operating for profit if, for example:
- Any part of the proprietor’s relevant assets or income, insofar as they relate to the school, are used for a purpose other than for the operation of the school, or
- The school makes any payments for property, goods, or services that:
- are at more than reasonable market value, or
- are not required for the operation of the school, or
- are unreasonable in the circumstances, given the fact that financial assistance is provided to or for the benefit of the school by the Minister.
Non-government schools should seek their own independent legal advice to understand their obligations and to ensure their financial arrangements do not constitute operating for profit. Non-government schools may also contact