About School Visitor Check-in

Find out what School Visitor Check-in is and how you can benefit.

The Department of Education has partnered with Service NSW to provide a streamlined, digital school sign-in system for visitors and contractors at every NSW Government school.

Benefits of School Visitor Check-in

  1. Accelerating school visitor check-ins to as fast as 20 seconds!  
  2. Giving every school greater access to streamlined NSW Government services. 


Who can use School Visitor Check-in

  • Visitors such as parents and carers, department and corporate staff.
  • Contractors such as cleaners and volunteers.

Who doesn't need to use School Visitor Check-in

  • Community users of school facilities for non-school-related reasons.
  • Schools on sites that are not operated by DoE and have existing visitor sign-in processes  such as schools in a hospital or Youth Justice Centres. and Environmental Education Centres (EEC).

Anyone on-site outside of school hours for non-school-related reasons is not required to use School Visitor Check-in, including:

  • OHSC
  • preschools
  • community use of school facilities and leases:
    • playgroups
    • sports clubs
    • markets
    • elections.

School sign-in procedures

All visitors attending a school site must comply with school sign-in arrangements and check in using School Visitor Check-in.

School Visitor Check-in replaces a school's sign-in procedure for visitors and contractors. .

Visitors, contractors and service providers on-site should use School Visitor Check-in:

  • during school hours
  • outside of school hours if on-site for school-related reasons (such as P&C meetings, workers such as cleaning and teachers visiting classrooms on weekends).

Visitors to the school who do not have access to electronic devices can use the School Visitor Check-in concierge device found at the school's front reception area.

Keeping everyone safe

Visitors can check-out using the ServiceNSW app and by doing so, it assists school and emergency services in an evacuation event.

The School Visitor Check-in system for schools has an ‘evacuation’ feature which will allow staff to instantly see a list of who is onsite and how to contact them.

If someone has not checked out, they are assumed to still be onsite, and will need to be contacted to verify their location.

How to use School Visitor Check-in

  1. Install the Service NSW app on your smartphone using the App Store for your Apple phone or Google Play for your Android phone.
  2. Look for the QR code at school reception and scan using the QR code reader on your mobile device.
  3. Alternatively, you can open the Service New South Wales app on your mobile device, select School Visitor Check-in, and scan the QR code.
  4. If you don't have your own device, the school will have an iPad available to help you sign in.
  5. If you're already logged in, check to make sure your details are correct.
  6. Select the appropriate visitor category, such as parent or carer, contractor, or select other if you're volunteering or holding a special event.
  7. Enter the reason for your visit and the name of your school contact person.
  8. Once you have checked in, the school will issue you with your visitor identification.
  9. Remember to check out when your visit is complete. By checking out, you assist the school and emergency services in an evacuation event.


  • Student management and wellbeing

Business Unit:

  • Communication and Engagement
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