Frequently Asked Questions - Nightly Attendance Data Transfer for Schools

Which third-party systems are now having their Attendance data automatically synced?

The four systems are:

  1. Sentral Education
  2. Compass Education
  3. Millennium Schools
  4. Momentum Cloud

Will the data be synced into EBS as well?

No, this functionality allows data to bypass EBS and be accessed directly from Scout.

Who needs to register for Scout and do the training?

Schools will determine which staff require access to the data in Scout. Any staff who do not currently have access, and who will now require it, can register for access from the Scout intranet page.

Please note, any staff member requesting access to Scout will be required to undertake a 15-minute online training course.

HSLO/ASLOs use the Types of Absences in attendance to assess their students. Where can they get this data now?

The Scout website provides a large range of resources and tutorials for people who need to access specific data sets and create reports using that data.

My school uses EBS to record attendance, is there any change for us?

No. For schools using EBS to mark attendance, there is no change. They will continue to mark attendance in EBS.


  • DoE

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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