Student Attendance Summary

About this report


Updated: Daily (Overnight refresh. Note: this data is not validated)

Designed for

Student attendance summary report provides attendance details at the level of individual students. Teachers, head teachers and school support officers (HSLOs & ASLOs) can use this report to assess the needs of students, working with the principal and school community to develop strategies for improvement. Executive Directors and Directors, Educational Leadership have access to all schools within their principal network.


How can I use this report?

You can use this report to identify a student’s attendance trends over time, and compare to network, school, SSSG and the state. This information can be used to develop strategies to improve the learning culture and student wellbeing at the school.

Checking for data completeness

Please follow the 2022 guide to checking data completeness in Scout to check for data completeness. Incomplete or missing data can impact the accuracy of this report

What should I look for?

Use the charts to understand the student's attendance rates and trends by week of term, compared to SSSG and state averages over time. Attendance rates are available weekly to identify any anomalies or drops in attendance rates.

Image: Overview of student attendance summary

Note: Scout data does not record a student as present when data is not available to confirm their attendance. You may notice discrepancies with other attendance measures which assume a student is present if the data is not available.

Using the report

Select results with slicers

Use slicers to view the desired data and information in the charts and tables.

Step 1 is necessary for the report to generate meaningful results. Selecting a 'Student name' is essential for this report. Use other slicers to focus on specific periods of time (year, semester, Term and Census Indicator)

Note: Census indicator = ‘Y’ will filter students and only display those enrolled in your school as their census school.

Image: Selection slicers

Important: When selecting the 'Scholastic year' slicer, the report will display the attendance rate of that scholastic year group for comparison.

Note: A blank slicer selection will be treated the same way as selecting all the options for that slicer. For example, by not selecting a term, the report will display results for all terms in the year.

School Snapshot

This snapshot provides an overview of important student attendance details compared to statistically similar schools, Network and the State DoE.

Image: Example of the student snapshot

Student Attendance Rate Details

This table displays student information, including enrolled days, attendance rate with whole and partial absence details.

Image: Example of student attendance rate details

Attendance Rate

This chart displays student attendance rate for each week of each term for the year.
Hovering over part of the graph will display a popup of information with term, week and attendance rate of the week.

Image: Example of attendance rate

Student Attendance Details

This section of the report displays daily attendance details (including days present, shared enrolment, exempt) and absences (including absence type) for the selected student during the year, including whole and partial absences.

Image: Example of student attendance details table

Some tips for tables

  • Hovering over the chart or table will reveal additional options icons.
  • Selecting the chart or table title will switch the icons to an 'always visible' state.
  • Selecting the column header will sort that column into an ascending order; selecting again reverses the order.

Attendance completeness by calendar date

This section presents an area chart to show attendance data completeness by date. The completeness percentage and data source used to populate this chart can be viewed by hovering over any week of the year.

Image: Example of attendance completeness

Export the results

The information within this report can be exported by hovering over a chart or table and selecting the ‘More options’ ellipsis icon once it appears. Then select ‘Export data’.

This will bring a confirmation box to download the current names in the table as a spreadsheet for editing and printing.

Screenshot of steps to export data in report Screenshot of steps to export data in report
Image: Exporting data

Reset to default

If you wish to remove selections you have made and return to the initial view of the report, select ‘Reset to default’.

Image: Reset to default

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