Cohort Attendance - Support Class

About this report



Updated: Daily (Overnight refresh. Note: this data is not validated)

Designed for

This report allows schools and Delivery Support staff to view attendance by support class. Attendance Support Officers (HSLO/ASLO) and Delivery Support can use this report to identify potential areas of support for student attendance. Executive Directors and Director - Educational Leadership have access to all schools within their principal network.


How can I use this report?

This report can be used to compare attendance levels of support classes and can view the distribution of students at or above 90%. You can also view the number of absences by each absence type at the cohort level and drill down to view their details. You can compare the attendance of support classes to others with the same enrolment type.

Checking for data completeness

Please follow the 2022 guide to checking data completeness in Scout to check for data completeness. Incomplete or missing data can impact the accuracy of this report

What should I look for?

The charts provide an understanding of the attendance levels and trends of support classes by enrolment type. It shows the cohort size, attendance rate and the percentage of students attending 90% or more of the time.

Note: the Support Class Attendance report extends beyond the initial page view and its entire length can be viewed by scrolling in your browser window.

Using the report

Select results with slicers

The slicers allow selections to be made in order for the desired information to be displayed in the chart and tables.

Step 1 is necessary for the report to generate meaningful results. NOTE: You must first select an executive director group before being able to select slicers for network name, school name, year, semester, term, half term and census indicator.

One or more slicers can be selected to view simultaneously.

Note: Census indicator = “Y” will filter students and display only those who are enrolled at the selected school as their census school.

Step 2 is optional for the report to customise results (Cohort selection) using scholastic year, gender, aboriginality, EAL/D, enrolment type, or attendance levels.

Note: for all of the slicers, a blank selection will be treated in the same way as selecting all of the options for that slicer. For example, not selecting a term will display results for all terms in the year.

Cohort Snapshot

This snapshot provides key attendance information at a glance for the selected cohort. It shows the cohort size, the attendance rate, and the percentage of students attending at or above 90% of the time.

Note: The cohort size number displayed in the Cohort Snapshot is not necessarily the same as the number of students currently enrolled. Instead, the snapshots in these attendance reports represent the total enrolments across the entire selected period, even if some of those students have moved or are no longer enrolled at the school.

For example, when all terms of 2020 are selected, the number will include all students enrolled ­at any time during 2020, even if some have since moved. By selecting only the current term with the slicers on the left of the report, the number will change and be much closer to, or possibly match, the current enrolment number for the school from ERN or the Current Enrolment report.

Attendance by enrolment type

This table shows the attendance rates by enrolment type. It can be easily used to identify the attendance rates of support classes and compare them to other support classes with the same enrolment type. You can also use it to identify and compare the attendance rates of support classes within a certain network.

Support Class Attendance Rate

This section of the report displays a column graph to show each student in the cohort by attendance level and compare their last 4 weeks (rolling 4 weeks based on the current completed week) average attendance rates progress compared to their individual last 12 months average (rolling 12 months based on the current completed week of term). Users can switch between chart and table view by tapping on the button available next to the graph.

Hovering over any segment of the graph will display a popup with the student name and attendance trend (i.e., Improving, Declining, or Similar Attendance) based on 4 weeks' average attendance rate compared to the previous 12 months' average attendance rate.

Support Class - Student Attendance Details

This section of the report displays a table with selected cohort student attendance details.

Other tips for tables

Hovering over the chart or table will reveal additional options icons.

Clicking or selecting the chart or table title will make these icons switch to become always visible.

Clicking or selecting on the column header will sort that column to be ascending order; clicking again reverses the order.

Export the results

The information from within this report can be exported easily. Hover over a chart or table and select the ‘More options’ ellipsis icon once it appears. Then select ‘Export data’.

This will bring a confirmation box to download the current names in the table as a spreadsheet for editing and printing.

Exporting data

Reset to default

If you wish to remove selections you have made and return to the initial view of the report, select ‘Reset to default’.


  • Student management and wellbeing

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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