Earth and space
These Stage 4 and 5 resources were developed by teachers from schools in Orange and Illawarra to assist with the implementation of the Science Years 7–10 and Stage 6 Earth and Environmental Science syllabuses.
Teachers should adapt resources to best suit the individual and diverse needs of their students and take into account where the learning activity fits into learning and teaching programs.
The following websites are useful for classroom use.
- At home astronomy includes hands-on science experiments.
- Cool cosmos explores the world and universe as seen through infrared light.
- Earth science Australia includes images, case studies and information about geological topics.
- Oresome resources is an Australian website that provides resources on minerals and energy.
- Murray Darling Basin Authority contains resources and lesson plans for teaching the water cycle, disasters, water quality and more.
- The Mars lab (PDF 1706 KB) is a Year 9 project-based learning resource about the search for life on Mars and the technologies that enable it.
Please note:
Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Science (incorporating Science and Technology K-6) K-10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2012