VALID Student Item Analysis
The VALID Student Item Analysis report shows how a student has performed by syllabus item and question level.
This report includes results for the students that were present for the VALID assessment.
This report is available to school-based teaching staff.
How will this report benefit me?
The report allows schools to analyse the VALID performance of individual students, for each question of the assessment. It can indicate which students may need additional help with specific topics.
What does the report provide?
Chart (Page 1)
Percentage Correct
- Summary data displays the student’s Level achieved and Special Provisions.
- The stacked bar charts show the student’s percentage correct and incorrect for each syllabus, question or content strand.
- When grouping by syllabus, note that the number of questions will appear to be doubled as one question in VALID maps to 2 syllabus codes.
- To view the syllabus description hover over a data point.
Use the slicers provided to select a student and further analyse the data:
- Directorate, Network, School
- Cohort Enrolment Year
- Cohort Scholastic Year
- Student Name
- VALID Assessment – 6, 8 or 10
- Aspect – Knowing and Understanding, Planning Designing and Conducting, Problem Solving & Communicating, Extended Response Tasks.
- Enrolment Type Group
- Gender
- Aboriginal
Tables (Page 2)
Question List
- This table displays each question in the assessment.
- The description shown is not the actual question text, but the outcome expected of that question.
- The question level is shown. Higher levels are more difficult. More difficult questions are less likely to have been answered correctly.
- The question level is shown. The level assigned to a question indicates that students who achieved at that level for their overall score and above, would have been expected to get this question right.
- The student’s response type can be VALID (the student answered the question) or other (the student did not answer the question or provided an invalid response, e.g. circled every option in for a multiple choice question).
- The student’s response is displayed along with whether or not it was correct.
- Each question is linked to 2 syllabus codes listed.
- Click on a single question in the table to view details for that question in the other tables.
Question Details
- This table displays details for an individual question, as selected in the Question List table.
- The actual question text is shown, as well as description of expected outcome and 2 syllabus codes and descriptions.
- Links to the question link and stimulus link are provided.
Response Details
- This table displays details for the responses to the individual question selected above.
- For multiple choice questions, each potential response is shown with another column showing which response is correct and a response description.
- Distractor analysis is included where this has been provided by the data owner.
Chart and Table (Page 3)
Extended Response
This page includes a chart and table with all tasks, possible scores and student score.
Summary data displays overall level achieved and special provisions.
- The bar chart displays all extended response tasks along the X axis and the achieved score on the Y axis.
- Click on a single question in the table to view details for that task on in the other tables
Task Details
- The table provides detail for the selected task in the chart above; including Task number, Long Description, Response Type, and Student Response.
- What about Statement of student Performance?
- Links to the Task (scanned) and stimulus link are provided.
How can I use the report to support my school self-assessment?
- The report will help to identify strengths and weaknesses of individual students in specific aspects and questions and link to the appropriate curriculum sections.
- The report can support schools to understand the effectiveness of teaching strategies at the school level. It will assist schools with the Student Performance Measures, Effective Classroom Practice and Data Skills and Use elements of the SEF.
Where does this data come from?
How frequently is data updated?