Clause 12: training and development
12.1 The Department and the Association confirm a commitment to training and development for all employees. Employees recognise their obligation to maintain and update their skills. The Department recognises its obligation to provide employees with opportunities to maintain and update their skills.
12.2 Employees will be provided with opportunities for training and development so that they will form a highly skilled, competent and committed workforce, experiencing job satisfaction and providing high quality service.
12.3 Training and development will be based on:
12.3.1 identified capabilities in accordance with the NSW Public Sector Capability Framework;
12.3.2 a focus on both current and future job needs and career path planning; and
12.3.3 recognition of each person's prior learning and building on this through the acquisition of new competencies.
12.4 Employees attending approved training and development activities during the hours of 7.30 am to 6.00 pm on a school day are regarded as being on duty.
12.5 Approved training and development activities will be conducted, wherever possible, during the hours of 7.30 am to 6.00 pm on a school day. When employees attend departmentally approved training activities conducted outside these hours, they are eligible to be paid overtime in accordance with provisions contained in clause 20, Overtime.
12.6 Employees are entitled to reimbursement of any actual necessary expenses regarding travel, meals and accommodation incurred in attending training and development activities.