Always wear a helmet

Never too old to be safe

Wearing a helmet is the law. In NSW there are no exceptions. Helmets can reduce head injury by 74%.

There are so many different helmet designs available that it can be hard to know which one to choose. It's simple. The helmet that fits best, looks good and meets the Australian safety standards is the one. Check that it has an AS/NZS 2063 label. If it doesn't - don't buy it. Protecting your head is too important.

Does the helmet fit right?

The helmet you buy must be worn correctly or it will not offer the protection that it was designed to do.

Does the helmet rock back more than two fingers above the eyebrows? If yes, unbuckle and shorten the front strap by moving the slider forward. Buckle and re-tighten the chin strap and test again.


Try on several helmets until one feels right. There should be two finger widths above your eyebrow.

Side straps

Adjust the slider on both straps to form a 'V' shape under, and slightly in front of, and below the ears. Check there are no twists and they don't cover the ears.


Centre the buckle under your chin.

Chin strap

Buckle the chin strap. Tighten the strap until it is snug so that no more than two fingers fit under the strap.

Replace your helmet if

  • it's been dropped onto a hard surface or involved in a crash or severe fall
  • you see any cracks in the foam
  • the straps look worn or frayed.

More information

More information available at Centre for Road Safety.

Download the Wearing a helmet pdf to share


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