Dance PDHPE learning sequence

Develop specialised movement skills through learning a dance sequence taught by the Muggera Dance Crew.

Consider the following questions when adapting or developing teaching and learning units.

  • What key messages do you want students to take away?
  • Why does this learning matter?

The following sample resource can be adapted by teachers to suit the individual needs of their students. Use these resources to plan and deliver PDHPE.

Resource content

Students will:

  • will manipulate the elements of dance to compose and enhance sequences for group performance
  • will practise and refine fundamental and specialised movement skills - applicable to dance - in a predictable learning environment whilst demonstrating a range of rhythmic and expressive movement qualities
  • take turns to be the choreographer to develop and practise their self-management skills
  • make decisions and solve problems to compose and manipulate locomotor and non-locomotor movement, sequence movement and choose how to manipulate the elements of dance to enhance a group performance.


PDPHE K-10 Syllabus (2018) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales


  • Stage 4
  • Unit

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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