Stage 4 reading - Compare and contrast

Learning intention

Students will learn the difference between comparing and contrasting texts as well as applying these understandings in text analysis.

Syllabus outcome (2022)

  • EN4-RVL-01: uses a range of personal, creative and critical strategies to read texts that are complex in their ideas and construction

Syllabus outcome (2012)*

  • EN4-2A: effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for responding to and composing texts in different media and technologies

*Note: Visit the Leading curriculum K-12 website for more information on the syllabus implementation timeline.

National Literacy Learning Progression

Understanding texts

  • UnT9: reads and views complex texts (see Text complexity) (comprehension); summarises the text identifying key details only (comprehension); builds meaning by actively linking ideas from a number of texts or a range of digital sources (comprehension); distils information from a number of texts according to task and purpose (e.g. uses graphic organisers) (comprehension)
  • UnT10: applies and articulates criteria to evaluate the language structures and features for relevance to purpose and audience (comprehension); integrates automatically a range of processes such as predicting, confirming predications, monitoring and connecting relevant elements of the text to build meaning (process)
  • UnT11: analyses the cumulative impact of use of language features and vocabulary across texts (comprehension); selects and synthesises evidence from multiple texts to support ideas and arguments (comprehension); strategically adjusts the processes of reading and viewing to build meaning according to the demands of tasks and texts (process); identifies subtle contradictions and inconsistencies in texts (process)

NAPLAN item descriptors

The relevant NAPLAN item descriptors are included in the resource, available for download on this page.

Task outline

Full task descriptions are included in the resource, available for download on this page.

Contrasting texts

Students contrast differences in products to see how features influence our purchasing choices. to purchase goods. Students then contrast a movie poster and book cover of a text, identifying how the visual differences are targeted to a different audience or purpose.

Comparing texts

Students use two ideas to compare and contrast, using a range of sources to build information and understanding on a topic.

Comparing and contrasting texts

Students identify key information to be compared and use strategies to find relevant information in texts. Students represent their findings in a graphic organiser.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Educational Standards
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