Stage 3 reading - Fact and opinion

Learning intention

Students will learn the difference between fact and opinion and to how to identify these in texts.

Syllabus outcome

  • EN3-RECOM-01: fluently reads and comprehends texts for wide purposes, analysing text structures and language, and by monitoring comprehension
  • EN3-UARL-01: analyses representations of ideas in literature through narrative, character, imagery, symbol and connotation, and adapts these representations when creating texts

National Literacy Learning Progression

Understanding texts

  • UnT8: evaluates the accuracy within and across texts on the same topic (comprehension); explains how authors use evidence and supporting detail to build and verify ideas (comprehension); identifies and explains techniques used to present perspective (e.g. emotive or descriptive language, order in which ideas are presented) (process); identifies language features used to present opinions or points of view (process); skims and scans texts for key words to track the development of ideas (process)

  • UnT9: builds meaning by actively linking ideas from a number of texts or a range of digital sources (comprehension); distils information from a number of texts according to task and purpose (e.g. uses graphic organisers) (comprehension); selects reading/viewing strategies appropriate to reading purpose (e.g. scans text for evidence) (process)
  • UnT10: analyses how text features are used to support or conflate the point of view in the text (e.g. the strategic use of images such as a cartoon in an editorial) (comprehension); evaluates the reasoning and evidence in a persuasive text (comprehension)

NAPLAN item descriptors

The relevant NAPLAN item descriptors are included in the resource, available via the Universal Resources Hub.

Task outline

Full task descriptions are included in the resource, available via the Universal Resources Hub.

Determining difference between fact or opinion

Students design a set of criteria to determine a fact or opinion.

Determining fact and opinion in texts

Students identify language clues that help indicate whether a text is fact, opinion, or a combination of both.

Expert panel

Students categorise statements as fact or opinion.


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