Making a complaint or providing feedback – primary school
The best education happens when families and schools work together.

Engaging with your child’s education
Relationship building is the most important part of transitioning to school. Your school is committed to working with you to ensure you have all the information and support you need to help your child get the most out of school. In addition, you have the right to feel welcome at school, be treated fairly and be able to actively participate in your child’s schooling.
In return, we ask that you interact with the school community in a positive way. This includes your child’s teacher, school staff, other children and their parents and carers. We are all partners in our children’s education.
School staff have the right to feel safe in their workplace without experiencing intimidating actions, language, or inappropriate and unhelpful communications.
All of our interactions and communications – including those about difficult or complex issues – should be timely, respectful, transparent and focused on solutions.
All public schools in NSW have a School Community Charter which provides the framework for school-based behaviour and interactions. This charter lists clear expectations for the school community. If you think a communication or interaction has not been handled in line with the charter, please raise this with your school or the department.
How to find the right person if you have a question or issue
If you have questions about your child starting Kindergarten, aim to contact your local school before term starts. You can find information about the enrolment process and find your local school on our website.
Once your child has started school, you may have questions or concerns. Your child’s teacher is often the best place to start if you would like to talk about your child’s progress. If you aren’t sure who to talk to, your child’s teacher or school office staff can give you the right contact details
Find out more about providing feedback.