Supporting your child
How we help keep your child safe and supported at school.

Your child’s teacher is your partner in supporting their education. They will let you know the best way to keep in touch with them and find out about your child’s progress. Keep your child’s teacher informed of any changes in your child’s life that may affect their learning or enjoyment of school.
Additional support staff at school
Every NSW public school has a learning and support team and other staff to provide personalised learning and meet students’ specific needs.
These positions can include:
- Learning and Support teachers and
- School Learning Support Officers
- School counselors and school psychologists
Vision and Hearing Itinerant teachers
English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) teachers
Community information and Liaison Officers
home school liaison officers
Aboriginal Education Officers
Aboriginal Education Committee.
Contact your school office if you think your child would benefit from these support services or you would like to know more.
Students with disability and additional learning and support needs
NSW public schools provide specialised services to help students who need extra support with learning, behaviour, disabilities, and wellbeing. By law, NSW public schools must ensure students with disabilities have the same access to education as everyone else. This means making any necessary changes to support their involvement.
Every mainstream NSW public school has a learning and support teacher who works in the school to support students with disability.
If your child has a disability or additional needs, start by talking to your school. The school will have a meeting with you to find out more and talk about how they can help.
A school can make reasonable adjustments for your child – for example, changes to lessons, or to the classroom, or even big changes like putting in ramps or doing building work. You know your child best, so it is important to have early conversations so that you and the school can work together to come up with a plan.
Your child might do well in a mainstream classroom with some extra support, or the school might recommend a support class for children with higher levels of disability needs. Support classes can be at a local public school or a school for specific purposes. The decision to apply for a support class is yours, and the school will discuss options with you and assist with the application process if you choose to proceed.
School counselling and support services
All NSW public schools have access to psychological expertise through the School Counselling Service, which includes school counselors and psychologists. They help students with learning, relationships, and managing emotions. These professionals play a crucial role in student success and wellbeing. You can make an appointment by contacting the school. Some primary schools also have additional staff, such as a wellbeing nurse, dedicated to student health and wellbeing.
Inclusive education in schools
Inclusive education ensures all that students, regardless of differences, can fully access and participate in learning with their peers.
The NSW Department of Education values diverse school communities and is dedicated to creating an inclusive education system that includes every student, regardless of disability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, nationality, language, gender, sexual orientation, or faith. This is done by making customised changes and using teaching methods that address the specific needs of each student
Our culture, policies, and everyday practices support the integration of inclusion throughout school life.
Find out more about starting school with additional needs.
Anti-bullying environment
All NSW public schools work to prevent bullying and encourage appropriate behaviour by building students' social skills and respect for others. Each school has a behaviour support and management plan with strategies to address bullying, cyberbullying, and harassment. Contact your school for a copy of the plan or to report a concern.
Support services
Discover free mental health support tools, helplines and services available to your child and the family.