Teacher accreditation
As a teacher or principal you are required to be accredited. It is your responsibility to ensure that you continue to hold active accreditation with the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) in order to remain employed.
NSW Education Standards Authority Accreditation (NESA)
It is a mandatory requirement under the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004 that teachers are accredited at Proficient Teacher Level, and maintain that accreditation, with the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
As a teacher or principal you are required to be accredited. It is your responsibility to ensure that you continue to hold active accreditation with the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) in order to remain employed.
Teachers and principals who do not hold active accreditation and do not meet the NESA maintenance requirements cannot continue to be employed to teach in NSW.
Accreditation is mandatory at the Graduate and Proficient levels. Achieving Proficient level accreditation is full accreditation as a teacher. Accreditation at Highly Accomplished and Lead level is voluntary.
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
Accreditation is based on the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. These have been developed by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL). AITSL is the national body with responsibility for driving high quality professional development for teachers and school leaders, and working collaboratively across states.
The standards define the knowledge, practice and professional engagement needed for high quality effective teaching that improves student learning outcomes. They describe high quality professional practice.
The standards use nationally agreed indicators of teacher quality to guide the preparation, support and development of teachers throughout their careers from Graduate to Proficient teachers, to Highly Accomplished and Lead teachers.
- Australian Professional Standards for TeachersExternal link
- Australian Institute for Teaching and School LeadershipExternal link
NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
The NSW teacher accreditation system is implemented by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA, formerly known as BOSTES). As an accredited teacher you have a relationship with NESA as your accrediting authority. The NESA website provides a wide range of information on accreditation.
Accreditation decisions for all teachers
On 29 November 2022, NESA became the sole decision maker for all levels of teacher accreditation for all school sectors and early childhood services. NESA will record the decision in the teacher’s online account (eTAMS) within 28 days of the principal recording their recommendation or attestation.