Merit selection procedure

The Merit Selection Procedure provides guidelines to selection panel members and prospective applicants applying for teaching positions in NSW public schools.


The Merit Selection Procedure provides information on the selection process for:

  • classroom teacher (teacher), executive and principal positions filled by an open merit process, i.e. advertisement.
  • classroom teacher (teacher) positions filled by a closed merit process of applicants from the approved to teach or graduate employment lists.

The procedure provides guidelines to selection panel members and prospective applicants applying for teaching positions in NSW public schools. Further support material is available on the participating on a selection panel webpage.

The procedure is to be read in conjunction with the Staffing Agreement and related Staffing Procedure.

Opportunity to seek permanent part time employment via merit selection

Commencing 22 January 2025, all permanent teacher and executive vacancies that are advertised for a second or subsequent time, regardless of the position FTE, will be available to teachers seeking either permanent full time or permanent part time employment.

Where this is applicable, information will be included in the “Special Notes” section of the published advertisement.

Applicants are not required to disclose if they are seeking full time or part time employment in their written application. Merit selection panels are not permitted to ask applicants, or their referees, information about the applicant’s current work pattern or planned future work patterns.

If an applicant is shortlisted for interview, they will be contacted by a recruitment officer to confirm the desired FTE (up to the maximum FTE of the advertised position), if they are the successful applicant. This information will be retained confidentially until the merit selection process is completed.

The recommended applicant for a position advertised for the second or subsequent time will be offered an appointment at their desired FTE. Decisions about working days are to be discussed and negotiated between the successful applicant and the principal.

In the event the recommended applicant is seeking permanent part time employment, a subsequent offer of the remaining FTE must be made to any applicants on the eligibility list, in order. This process will support the creation of a job share arrangement between two teachers.

For further information, please contact Teacher Recruitment on 1300 32 32 32

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