Participate on a selection panel

It is essential that all panel members understand the procedures associated with participating on a selection panel for school-based positions.

To assist principals, directors, school community members, panel conveners, and other members of selection panels, the department has prepared a suite of e-learning material.

Experienced panel conveners and panel members who wish to update their training are also encouraged to use these materials.

Selection panel training

This self-paced training consists of a series of modules designed for new panel members and panel conveners.

Training takes place via the department's MyPL system, with different streams for panel members and panel conveners. If you have never used MyPL before, more information can be found on the Community members page.

In addition to completing this training, panel conveners and panel members need to be familiar with both the Merit Selection Procedure and the Staffing Procedure for the Teaching Service in NSW Public Schools.

Resources (staff only) are available to assist panel conveners in navigating IWorkForNSW.

Key documents

Applying the merit selection guidelines

It is recommended that you explicitly discuss and provide a copy of the new merit selection guidelines to each panel member at the commencement of the process. While there is no limitation to the number of additional specific criteria a panel can include, the panel should carefully consider the number of criteria and the impact on the overall page length.

Specific selection criteria should be written in a concise form and include the following:

  • begin with the words “In addition to the general selection criteria…” for executive and principal positions;
  • add to the general selection criteria and not repeat the same skills and knowledge requirements;
  • include the subject/teaching areas as applicable;
  • include only those requirements that are inherent to the skills and knowledge that are essential to do the job so that applicants are not disadvantaged and the most suitable applicant is selected. Criteria considered desirable, that are not needed to do the job, or that are minor aspects of the job, should not be included in the specific selection criteria;
  • be written in plain English that is clear, concise and easy to understand. The use of jargon and acronyms should be avoided;
  • be written in concise phrases or sentences. Ambiguous phrases that are open to interpretation should not be used as these can be a source of potential bias and can make it difficult to distinguish clearly between be examined to ensure that they are not too specifically or narrowly worded, resulting in teachers who may be capable of performing well in the position not being able to demonstrate fully their skills and experiences.
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