Eligibility for head teacher status

Teachers seeking eligibility for head teacher classification, are required to have completed a major study pattern in the subject area that they are applying for. This would also include the completion of relevant method and curriculum studies for Years 7-12 as well as a practicum placement.

The academic requirements for head teacher classification can be found in the Eligibility requirements for head teacher positions.

If it is determined that a teacher does not meet the academic requirements for Head Teacher classification, you can also apply for head teacher status via equivalence.

The equivalence application requires the teacher to demonstrate their experience in the subject area they are applying for. This would include details regarding any experience they have relieving in the head teacher role, professional development courses they’ve developed and delivered, departmental courses completed, participation in School Certificate and HSC marking and details of any other courses, certificates or diplomas in the relevant area.

Equivalence applications are reviewed by officers in the department’s Teacher Approvals unit and referred for assessment by the Head Teacher Qualifications Committee. The committee makes recommendations to the Director, School Recruitment and Placement and includes a representative of the NSW Teachers Federation and a current secondary school principal.

Teachers may apply for vacant advertised head teacher positions and also submit an application for eligibility for head teacher status based on qualifications or an assessment of equivalence.

Eligibility for appointment to head teacher positions will be confirmed by Teacher Approvals unit following a review of the teacher’s qualifications and/or application via head teacher equivalence.

For further assistance, please call EDConnect on 1300 32 32 32.


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