Create a new course

Creating inclusive professional learning

All employees (with or without disability) need to be able to participate in professional learning on the same basis. The purpose of this resource is to build awareness and capacity of course authors, presenters and providers to design and host professional learning events that are not only compliant with standards, but truly usable and open to all. It has been developed to provide firstly, design implications and then secondly, delivery implications and what actions need to be taken to ensure professional learning is delivered with disability catered for in the appropriate manner. Inclusive professional learning is part of how we make education a great place to work and that our workforce is of the highest calibre.

Learn more about creating inclusive professional learning

How to get started

Learning Author access allows you to create a new course.

How do I organise my Learning Author access? We need permission from your school Principal (if you are school staff), or your Director (if you are corporate or education support staff).

The request can be sent to: MyPL Support QueryExternal link

New MyPL course type templates:

School Use Only: Any professional learning designed and delivered at a school or network level will now use the School Use Only template in MyPL.
Course code starts with SUO e.g. SUO00575

ESS Teacher PL: Any PL designed for teachers and delivered by Education Support Staff (ESS) will now use the ESS Teacher PL template (TPL). If your PL is more than 30 minutes, you have an option to have your PL quality assured. Further supporting resources are available in the Quality Assurance (QA) Hub for Education Support Staff.
Course code starts with: NPG e.g. TPL00130

ESS Non-Teaching PL: For non-teaching PL developed by Education Support Staff (ESS), please use the ESS Non-Teaching template (NPL).
Course code starts with NPG: NPL00091

Please contact Learning Quality Team for any questions about the new templates.

What is a Learning Asset

A Learning Asset is any resource or tool used to facilitate learning or enchance the training experience. MyPL learning assets can take many forms:
- Training session
- Videos
- Online/on demand courses that can have interactive componets
- Documents e.g. case studies, research papers
- Assignments and task submissions

Your course can have one asset or a combination of assets.

MyPL Learning Assets (PDF 370.3 KB) these are screenshots to help locate the Learning Assets. These notes help you understand how each asset can facilitate learning. These are not intended to show you the end-to-end course authoring steps.

MyPL Learning Assets video clip option.External link

Creating a New Trackable Document Asset (PDF 440 KB) describes how to upload a document, audio, video, or a URL link to a web page.

Creating a New SCORM Asset (PDF 432 KB) describes how to upload a new online e-learning modulecreated in 3rd party applications e.g. Lectora and Captivate.

Creating a New Other Learning Asset (PDF 697 KB) describes how to set up a New Other Learning Asset to use as a way for learners to submit an assignment that will be directly submitted to, and marked by their supervisor.

Creating a New Assignment Asset (PDF 579 KB) describes how to set up a new Assignment for learners to submit.

Creating a New Discussion Forum (PDF 498 KB) describes how to set up a new discussion forum that can be accessed through a Catalogue Item.

Create a course

Create a session-based course using the Learning Wizard video .External link

Create a session-based course guide (PDF 1.4 MB).

Create an online/on demand course using a SCORM asset videoExternal link


  • Professional learning
  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Information Technology
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