Primary assessment tools

Mapping tools

The syllabus mapping tools are designed to assist with English and maths planning and programming in Kindergarten to Year 2. They include the functionality to map, record and annotate syllabus elements. These resources are quality-assured and aligned with the School Excellence Framework.

Specific assessment tasks

  • Best Start Kindergarten Assessment
    • A literacy and numeracy assessment conducted for all kindergarten students in the first five weeks of school.
    • Learning areas: literacy, numeracy.

  • Check-in assessment
    • An online reading and numeracy assessment for students in Years 3 to 9.
  • Short assessments
    • Quick quizzes that can support monitoring and feedback of student literacy and numeracy skills

Assessment activity templates

  • Gallery walk - A gallery walk engages all students in the feedback and reflection process.
  • Learning portfolios - Students can upload files, images, record their voice and write reflections. Teachers may annotate learning portfolios.
  • Learning logs - Also known as RIQ (recall, insights, and question), learning journals, learning diaries
  • Quick, write - A quick writing process where students respond to a question and then share responses.
  • Mini whiteboards - Students write responses and the whole class displays their boards.
  • Exit tickets - Quickly identify and analyse students' conceptual understanding.
  • Peer feedback - Students use clear assessment criteria or a simple framework to review peers' work.
  • Rubrics - Use criteria to communicate and evaluate students' quality of learning.
  • Learning intentions and success criteria - Explicit learning objectives and goals for student achievement.
  • Designing test items - Students design questions with correct answers about what they have been learning.
  • ABCD cards - Students answer multiple choice questions by choosing the A, B, C or D card.
  • Quiz programs - Students attempt questions that test knowledge about a topic.
  • Polya questioning - Questioning method incorporating a four-step problem-solving technique.
  • What did we learn today? - Students are supported to reflect on learning goals using prompts.
  • What's the question? - Students formulate questions based on key terms and content.


  • Teaching and learning
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