Early learning curriculum links professional learning

An overview of microlearning modules supporting teachers to understand the links between learning in early childhood and Early Stage 1.

This learning is short, flexible and available on-demand. Modules can be completed individually, in any order and at any time.

To maximise impact, school leadership teams may choose to facilitate this course for groups or teams. Doing so allows leaders to align professional learning with school priorities and add school-specific contextual information to address students’ learning needs.

Continuity of learning is a critical element of a strong start to school. By completing the Early learning curriculum links modules Early Stage 1 teachers will understand the term ‘continuity of learning’, build an understanding of what this looks like in practice and how it drives programming and teaching.

Making continuity of learning visible

Duration – 25 minutes

Available – now

Understand what is meant by the term continuity of learning and its importance in ensuring a strong start to school.

  • What is continuity of learning?
  • What are our professional responsibilities towards continuity of learning?
  • Why is continuity important for improving student outcomes?
  • How does continuity of learning drive teaching?

Duration – 20 minutes

Available – now

Learn about the positive impact of educators in early childhood and school settings, understand how and what children learn in each curriculum framework and how they align.

  • What does the research say?
  • What guides curriculum and pedagogy in each setting?
  • What are the explicit links between the Early Years Learning Framework and Early Stage 1 syllabuses?

Duration – 20 minutes

Available – now

Understand how schools can engage with early childhood services to support continuity of learning through the effective use of the Transition to School Statement.

  • How does the Transition to School Statement support effective transitions and continuity of learning?
  • What are the connections between the Transition to School Statement and Early Stage 1 outcomes?
  • How do educators speak to their understandings in each setting to provide rich information to support a strong start to school?
  • Examine scenarios to support practice.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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