Time for a health check

Stage 4, 5-6 lesson learning sequence focused on exploring the definitions of health and how they have changed over time..

Consider the following questions when adapting or developing teaching and learning units.

  • What key messages do you want students to take away?
  • Why does this learning matter?

The following sample resource can be adapted by teachers to suit the individual needs of their students. Use these resources to plan and deliver PDHPE. They are suitable for the PDHPE K-10 syllabus (2018).

Resource content

Students will:

  • explore the definitions of health and how they have changed over time to develop their own definition of health
  • examine the difference between mental health and physical health, investigate influences and analyse community perceptions of both
  • will explore physical fitness and mental fitness to determine actions and strategies to improve physical and mental health
  • participate in physical activity and movement activities to reflect on the suitability for their lifestyle and the benefits of the activity for their physical and mental health and fitness
  • build their understandings of the similarities and differences between physical and mental fitness and apply this learning to design and participate in activities to develop components of physical and mental fitness (This provides students with strategies to apply self care and develop and maintain their own mental and physical health and fitness now and into the future.)
  • compare whether perceptions and management of mental health and physical health are the same or different
  • develop a stronger understanding of mental health through use of a case study. (The case study will allow students to investigate the importance of putting mental health first and the benefits of making your own mental health a priority.)
  • review the influence of the media on mental health by adopting the role of a TV show producer to examine factors that make some people more suitable to meet the challenges of reality tv shows based on their overall health, wellbeing and personal strengths.

Download teaching resource


PDPHE K-10 Syllabus (2018) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales


  • Stage 4

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  • Educational Standards
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