Getting to know games
A Stage 4 unit that allows students to learn and refine fundamental movement skills in a range of game contexts.
Consider the following questions when adapting or developing teaching and learning units.
- What key messages do you want students to take away?
- Why does this learning matter?
The following sample resource can be adapted by teachers to suit the individual needs of their students. Use these resources to plan and deliver PDHPE. They are suitable for the PDHPE K-10 syllabus (2018).
Resource content
Students will:
- participate in a variety of movement activities to demonstrate and enhance body control, body awareness, object manipulation, anticipation, and timing
- participate in competitive and non-competitive, individual and team physical activities and evaluate the degree to which they meet their needs and interests
- be involved in the discussion of the performance of the skills and activities after each lesson. The focus of discussion will be the interchangeability of skills across a range of contexts and the importance of practice.
Download teaching resource
PDPHE K-10 Syllabus (2018) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales