Planning, programming and assessing Aboriginal Studies

Resources to help you plan, program and assess Aboriginal Studies in Years 7–10.

The Aboriginal Studies Years 7–10 syllabus (2020) is designed to develop knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal identities, communities, autonomy, roles and the range of relationships between Aboriginal Peoples and non-Aboriginal people.

Students may undertake either 100 or 200 hours of study in Aboriginal studies in Stage 4 and, or Stage 5. Courses are structured in the following ways.

  • A 100-hour course can consist of either:
    • Core 1 or Core 2 and a minimum of three options
    • Core 1 and Core 2 and two options
  • A 200-hour course
    • Core 1 and Core 2 and six options

The core study and options may be studied in any order or pattern.

Aboriginal Studies Years 7-10 resources have been created by a cross-sector writing team which included representatives from the:

  • NSW Department of Education, Curriculum Secondary Learners
  • Association of Independent Schools of NSW (AISNSW)
  • Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW)
  • tertiary sector.


  • Aboriginal Studies
  • Stage 4
  • Stage 5

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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