English 3–6 microlearning

Engaging with the English 3–6 microlearning course will help you develop the required knowledge, understanding and skills for effective syllabus implementation.

To maximise impact, school leadership teams may facilitate English 3–6 microlearning for groups or teams. Doing so allows leaders to align professional learning with school priorities and add school-specific contextual information to address students’ learning needs.

This learning is short, flexible and available on demand. The 6 modules of 20 minutes duration can be completed individually, in any order and at any time.

Understand oral language and communication and recognise its power in improving student learning.
  • Why is oral language and communication essential to learning?
  • What role does Oral language and communication play in the syllabus?
  • What evidence-based strategies and tools support student development?
  • What does this look like in practice?
Understand word-level understanding and connections across the syllabus.
  • What is word-level understanding and why is it important?
  • How does word-level understanding connect content in a range of syllabus focus areas?
  • How can I support the development of word-level understanding in my classroom?
Duration – 20 minutes
Available – 2024

Understand and apply effective strategies for teaching sentence-level understanding.

  • What is sentence-level understanding and why is it important?
  • How does sentence-level understanding connect content in a range of syllabus focus areas?
  • How can I support the development of sentence-level understanding in my classroom?
Duration – 20 minutes
Available – 2024

Understand and integrate a range of effective practices for teaching reading in Years 3–6.

  • How does the teaching of reading develop across the NSW K-10 English syllabus?
  • What practices support reading development for middle and upper primary learners?
  • How do I support students with a wide range of reading abilities?
Duration – 20 minutes
Available – 2024

Evaluate and strategically select texts for varied reading practice.

  • What texts will I need to effectively teach reading outcomes from the syllabus?
  • How do I determine ‘text complexity’ to select appropriate texts for my diverse range of students?
  • What approaches to reading assessment can I use?

Duration – 20 minutes
Available – 2024

Articulate key components of a scaffolded instructional approach for creating written texts and demonstrate alignment with the current evidence base.

  • What are the main elements of a scaffolded instructional approach to teaching writing?

  • How do I implement a scaffolded instructional approach to writing?


Syllabus outcomes from English K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.


  • English (2022)
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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