Assessment in the creative arts 7-10

Assessment in the creative arts 7-12

Objectives of assessment

Image: Assessment objectives in graphic form

The objectives of assessment are it:

  • reinforces student learning
  • aids in planning for effective teaching and learning
  • produces evidence of student achievement
  • creates and collects student data.

Teacher practice identifying student knowledge, skills and areas for growth.

A student engages, reflects and monitors their learning.

Evidence of student achievement against outcomes and standards.

Formative (informal) assessment evidence ideas:

  • rehearsal notes
  • work samples
  • group work reflections
  • class discussions
  • questioning examples
  • self-evaluation sheets
  • peer feedback.

Summative (formal) assessment evidence ideas:

  • performance recordings
  • presentations - viva voce, digital, oral
  • research
  • process diaries, logbooks, portfolios
  • compositions/scripts/designs.

Assessment evaluation questions

Image: Assessment evaluations questions in graphics

The five assessment evaluation questions are:

  • What are you asking the student to do, produce or create?
  • Does the student know the requirements and understand the assessment criteria?
  • Can the student set measurable and achievable goals?
  • Is student able to monitor and reflect on their learning when completing the assessment?
  • Will the feedback be purposeful, allow for creative growth, and improve their learning?

Popular music

Concepts of music program, resources and assessment tasks

This unit of work contains a detailed and thorough introduction to the concepts of music through the topic of popular music. Through the learning experiences of composing, performing and listening, students will learn about duration, pitch, structure, texture, tone colour, dynamics and expressive techniques . Furthermore, students will develop their composition and musical literacy skills through a group arrangement and composition assessment.

The 20 week program contains the downloads below.


Australian music

Program, assessment task, resources and scores

These resources provide students with a broad understanding of Australian music. During this 10 week program, students explore a range of contemporary genres such as popular music, children’s music, musical theatre, music for television, opera, art music and rock music including music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists. Through the learning experiences of composition, performance and listening, students will learn about the concepts of music and how these concepts are combined to create musical features which are found within each genre of Australian music. Students will develop their composition and critical thinking skills through a group composition assessment.



  • Stage 4
  • Stage 5
  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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