NSW Childcare and Economic Opportunity Fund

Access to early childhood education and care (ECEC) is considered one of the biggest barriers to workforce participation, while quality ECEC can give children a better start in life and learning.

Access to early childhood education and care (ECEC) is considered one of the biggest barriers to workforce participation, while quality ECEC can give children a better start in learning.

The NSW Childcare and Economic Opportunity Fund (the Fund) was established to help address these barriers.

Our purpose

We know the significant positive impact quality ECEC has on a child’s life, yet access to these services is a challenge facing many families across the state. Access to ECEC is also considered to be one of the biggest barriers to economic participation, limiting opportunities for parents and carers to participate in the workforce or education.

Enshrined into legislation, the objective of the Fund is to make quality ECEC more affordable and accessible for children and families across NSW, increasing participation in the State’s workforce, particularly for women.

Find out more about the Childcare and Economic Opportunity Fund Act 2022.External link

This NSW Government investment in ECEC is a long-term strategy to generate long-term benefits, including:

  • an increase in workforce participation to build a more resilient NSW economy

  • to enable families to reach education, work and career goals

  • giving children a better start in education to meet their aspirations for the future.

For families experiencing domestic violence and/or precarious housing, access to safe, quality ECEC is critical to financial independence. Experience and threats of violence limit parents and carers’ ability to participate in employment and education to build their future economic security.

Increasing access to quality ECEC is also a critical support for government commitments such as the NSW Domestic and Family Violence Plan 2022-2027, Housing 2041 – NSW Housing Strategy, and the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

Our programs

In April 2023, the NSW Childcare and Economic Opportunity Fund Board convened, as the statutory agency established to develop and deliver programs under the Fund legislation.

With a strong focus on innovation, trial programs have been developed in the first year to address some of the most pressing needs for the ECEC sector, families and children.

Find out more about the Fund Board.

Flexible Initiatives Trial

The Flexible Initiatives Trial is designed to address concerns about choice and availability of quality early childhood education experiences.

The program provides support to ECEC service providers to offer NSW families access to early childhood education when and where they need it most, including new places in areas of low supply, after-hours care, flexible pick-up and drop-off times, and flexibility in enrolments.

Find out more about the Flexible Initiatives Trial.

Fee relief for 3 year olds in preschool programs in long day care services

The Fund is providing fee relief for 3-year-old children attending eligible preschool programs in long day care centres, in a 2-year trial that that will save parents $500 a year.

$64 million has been allocated to the trial , with the Fund Board electing to have the fee relief delivered through the department’s Start Strong for Long Day Care program.

Find out more about Start Strong for Long Day Care.

Business Capability Development Program

This program aims to support the viability and sustainability of small and stand-alone ECEC providers. With an investment of $5.3 million, the trial will focus on 3 areas of the state to support access to quality, affordable services for NSW.

Find out more about the Business Capability Development Program.

Building Early Learning Places Program

This new round of grants is designed to support not-for-profit community preschools and long day care centres in 31 targeted areas as well as places delivered by Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisation service providers. The program aims to provide support for ECEC services in communities with the greatest immediate need, to increase the number of ECEC places.

A total pool of $20 million will be made available.

Find out more about the Building Early Learning Places program.

More information

Discover more information on the Fund Board and who we are.

For all the latest updates from Early Childhood Education, you can follow us on FacebookExternal link.

To provide feedback or ask us a question please contact us.


  • Early childhood education

Business Unit:

  • Early Childhood Outcomes
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