Right to Access – Agency Information Guide
Right to Access is responsible for the department's obligations under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Application form and payment details for GIPA applications, GIPA/FOI processing charges and subpoena conduct money can be found here.
Members of the public can access records, reports and other types of information that are of public interest through Right to Access. You may only apply for records in existence at the time of your application, and the department is not required to answer questions. Access to records is only restricted where there is an overriding public interest against disclosure under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).
Our agency guide describes the type of information that is either freely available or available on informal request. It describes other instances where formal application may be made for access and where access is excluded. It also provides links to information about how members of the public can participate in the department's functions and in the formulation of policy.
We are committed to improving openness, transparency and ease of public access to our information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009External link (GIPA Act), including policies, statistics and reports.
Education cluster
The education cluster of NSW government consists of the Department of Education, including the Teaching ServiceExternal link and the NSW Education Standards AuthorityExternal link (NESA), Skills NSW and Training Services NSWExternal link.
You can view the NSW Education Standards Authority's agency information guideExternal link for more information about NESA. You may also apply to NESA for HSC certificatesExternal link as these are not held by the department.
You can find out more about the functions of the department and the type of information we hold through the 'about us' section of the department's website.
Staff resources
Information for staff on how to process applications can be found on the staff guidelines page.
People often ask
How to access information
Under the Government Information (Public) Access Act 2009 (GIPA Act) there are four ways that the department can make information available to the public:
- open access information via the internet
- proactive push of information into the public domain via other channels (ie print)
- release as a result of an informal request for information not already available
- a formal application process for information not publicly available. Apply Online
- credit card payments for GIPA applications can be made. Please see these instructions relating to the reference code. Once payment is made a receipt will be emailed to you, please send a copy to gipa@det.nsw.edu.au with your GIPA application form pdf (if you haven't used the online application).
For information about how to access each type of information, please see the headings below:
- about the department
- Department of Education organisational chart (PDF 90.06KB)
- disclosure log
- major asset sales and purchases
- record of information not publicly available
- policy library
- annual reports
- documents that are tabled in Parliament
- contracts register
- customer service statement
- code of conduct
- education DatahubExternal link - holds a range of proactively released datasets including financial statements and statistics
- how we handle complaints
- privacy code of practice (PDF 147.28KB)
You can also find out if the information you want is freely available by contacting the relevant business area via the department contacts page.
The department's Centre for Education Statistics and EvaluationExternal link provides open access data about education in NSW within the education DatahubExternal link. CESE analyses and evaluates educational programs and strategies and gauges New South Wales' education performance over time through its ongoing core data collections and delivery of analysis and reports.
A copy of the department's open data policyExternal link is also available.
If we haven't published the records you seek, we may be able to release it to you without the need for a formal access application. We generally provide the following types of information in response to an informal request:
- copies of correspondence, sent to us by the requester
- documents that contain only personal information about the requester
- documents that have already been made public in some other way
- other reasonable requests for release of records that would not raise any potential public interest concerns.
Where information is released to you in response to your informal request conditions may apply.
To make an informal access request please contact either the relevant school, or the Right to Access unit.
If the records you are looking for are not published by us or available by informal request, you may wish to make a formal access application in writing under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009External link. Access applications are subject to application fees and processing charges. We will not however release records if there is an overriding public interest against their disclosure.
To make a formal access request please apply online or use the access application form (PDF 112KB) or contact Right to Access. Applications require the name of your/your client's last attended NSW government school or they will be considered invalid. ID and Authority is also required. See the application form for details.
Credit card payments for GIPA applications can be made online. Please see these instructions relating to the reference code. Once payment is made a receipt will be emailed to you, please send a copy to GIPA@det.nsw.edu.au with your GIPA application form pdf.
Payments can be made by cheque, however, please post these with the application form. We will not begin processing the application until the cheque is received.
Historical school records (older than 7 years)
Please note that NSW government school student records are retained by a student’s last attended NSW public school until a student reaches the age of 25 years or for seven years after the student leaves the school, whichever was the longer period, and then destroyed in accordance with State Records Act disposal guidelines. The department has limited resources and so schools are not usually requested to undertake searches for records which are subject to a destruction order.
Counselling records are retained for longer, and searches will be conducted for these if you request them.
Our business hours are 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday to Friday.
Records from or relating to childcare centres must be requested under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) instead of the GIPA Act.
To make a formal access request please use the FOI application form or contact the Right to Access unit.
Please send all FOI applications to the email address GIPA@det.nsw.edu.au.
For further information contact
National Education and Care Services Ombudsman, Privacy & Freedom of Information Commissioners
Location: Level 5, 440 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Mail: PO Box 177 Carlton South VIC 3053
Email: enquiry@necsopic.edu.au
Phone: 1300 081 533
Mobile: 0419 380 607
Website: www.necsopic.edu.auExternal link
- information for applicants (PDF 255.39KB)
- Online application form
- access application form (PDF 112KB)
- authority form (PDF 49.83KB)
- rights to review (PDF 144.97KB)
- application for internal review (PDF 365.82KB)
- informal release information for the public (PDF 25.56KB)
Please send all forms with a credit card payment receipt (if applicable) to the email address GIPA@det.nsw.edu.au if not using the online form. Payments can be made by cheque, however, please post these with the application form pdf. We will not begin processing the application until the cheque is received.
An access application cannot be made for information specifically excluded under Schedule 2 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009External link. This includes the storage, reporting and analysis of department information relating to the ranking of students who have completed the Higher School Certificate for entrance into tertiary institutions. For more details about information that may not be disclosed, please contact the Right to Access unit.
For some categories of information, while an access application may be made there is a presumption against release. The list of categories is set out at Schedule 1 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009External link. For more details about information that may not be disclosed, please contact the Right to Access unit.
The department has a number of ways you can provide feedback or make a complaint.
- To find a policy or make a suggestion or provide feedback on our policies, go to our Policy Library. Contact details are listed on each policy.
- To make a complaint or provide feedback about our services or website, go to Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions.
- Department switchboard
- Phone: 1300 679 332External link
- Social Media:
- Facebook
- NSWEducationExternal link @NSWEducation
- Twitter
- NSWEducationExternal link @NSWEducation
- LinkedInExternal link.
- Facebook
Applications under the GIPA Act
Right to Access
NSW Department of Education
Level 5, 105 Phillip St
T 02 7814 3525External link
E GIPA@det.nsw.edu.au
Our business hours are 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday to Friday.
To submit a subpoena: email directly to the school or to subpoenas@det.nsw.edu.au for email service, addressed to the Proper Officer. Do not send hard copies. Contact 02 7814 3525External link to obtain EFT details for conduct money.
Credit card payments for conduct money can be done hereExternal link.
Court Reference: In this field please use the court reference located on the subpoena.
Once payment has been made, a receipt will be emailed to you from the payment portal. Please send us a copy of the receipt with your subpoena to subpoenas@det.nsw.edu.auExternal link
For all other general enquiries, policy information & referral, public school enquiries, employment referee checks, IT assistance, and authentication of school reports please call the department switchboard.
1300 679 332
GPO Box 33, Sydney NSW 2001
Or contact the relevant area at:
Media enquiries
NSW Department of Education's media unit:
T 02 7814 1559External link
E mediaunit@det.nsw.edu.au