Find contacts throughout the NSW Department of Education. For head office call 1300 679 332. Address: GPO Box 33, Sydney NSW 2001
- AA
Aboriginal Education and Communities
Attendance, behaviour and engagement
- CC
Career learning and future skills (formerly senior pathways and VET programs)
Careers at Education
Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
Child protection
Connected Communities
Counselling and psychology services
Curriculum - Early Learning Years
Curriculum Early Years
1300 083 698
Curriculum Primary Learners
Primary Learners link
Curriculum Secondary Learners
- DD
Disability programs for school students
Resources for school students with special needs
- EE
EDConnect (staff only)
Support, information and advice for schools and corporate staff.
Outside Australia: +61 2 8261 0640
Education and Skills Reform
Employment – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Recruitment and Programs
Employment – teacher approvals
- HH
Health and physical care
Healthy School Canteens
History of NSW government schools
- II
International students – study tours
Tel (in Australia): 1300 300 229 (Option 3)
Tel (outside Australia): +61 2 9244 5555 (Option 3)
International students – with student visa (subclass 500P)
1300 300 229 ( in Australia)
+61 2 9244 5555 (outside of Australia)
International students – with visitor, dependent student, bridging or other temporary resident visas
Temporary Residents Program
In Australia 1300 300 229 – Option 1
+61 2 9244 5555 (outside of Australia)
- LL
- MM
The department's media unit handles media inquiries.
Media – Early Childhood Education
The department's Early Childhood Education media unit handles media inquiries relating to early childhood education.
Media – School infrastructure
School Infrastructure NSW handle all media inquiries relating to infrastructure.
Multicultural education
0437 569 848
MyPL – Training and Support
- NN
- PP
- QQ
Quality Teaching, Successful Students
- RR
Road safety education
Rural and Remote Education Strategy (2021-2024)
- SS
School excellence and accountability
0447 002 780
School Infrastructure NSW
School libraries
School security (staff only)
24-hour security hotline
Schools Spectacular
State Education Research Applications Process (SERAP)
Supplier and procurement inquiries
1300 32 32 32External link (option 4)
- TT
Teach NSW