Advice to parents and carers

If schools are closed for an extended period of time, the school will continue to provide learning activities for your child to do at home and will communicate with you about their learning.

If your child’s school needs to close, the school will communicate with families through its usual channels (this might be through email, SMS, websites).

In many schools across the state teachers already deliver and manage learning activities using online tools. Some schools may move more or all of your child’s learning activities online. This might include some live lessons. If you or your school does not have digital or online options they will use non-digital strategies. This could include sending worksheets, text books or USB drives containing digital worksheets (where available) and videos to your home with your child or via mail.

Teachers may also contact students in groups or through one-on-one phone calls.

This information sheet (English PDF 116KB) will help you understand how to help your child learn at home including:

  • Your responsibilities – there are things you will need to do to help your child learn from home such as setting routines, finding a quiet space and asking how their learning is progressing.
  • Your child’s responsibilities – your child will also need to follow the routines set for them and complete the tasks the teacher assigns doing their best work
  • How to plan their day – your school should give you some advice and a guide for what your child should be doing during a day
  • Looking after their wellbeing – you will need to make sure they have breaks, drink water and are not getting stressed or anxious
  • Communication – it will be important that you talk to your child regularly about their learning. Your child’s teacher and/or the school will communicate with you and tell you how to get in touch with them.
  • Using technology and screen time – it will be important that you supervise your child to use technology safely and put limits on the time they spend online.

Wellbeing support

Self-care is incredibly important. Feelings of wellbeing are fundamental to your health and enable you to successfully overcome difficulties and achieve what you want out of life. Go to Wellbeing services for more.


  • Teaching and learning
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