About STEM education

The workforce of the future requires high levels of skills, responsible thinkers and creative thinkers.

STEM education:

  • is an approach to teaching science and technology, and mathematics
  • fosters inquiry learning in our complex world
  • helps teachers guide students to apply their knowledge and understandings, inquire into their world, and solve complex, authentic problems involving contextually rich projects.

Through quality STEM programs, students from pre-school to Year 12 engage with their curriculum, acquiring skills that lay strong foundations for their career aspirations.


In NSW, we aim to

  • raise expectations and enhance the quality of student learning in STEM
  • foster quality teaching and leadership in STEM
  • provide innovative ways of delivering STEM education

Through science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) we encourage students to:

  • be confident in their ability to design and engineer creative solutions
  • apply their understandings in mathematics, science and technology
  • engage in collaborative teams
  • take on more challenging STEM subjects.
STEM is - 'the set of disciplines that work together to understand and model the universe so that people can solve problems through harnessing and manipulating the world around them.' Timms, Moyle, Weldon & Mitchell in Challenges in STEM Learning in Australian Schools (2018), Australian Council for Educational Research


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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