Careers with STEM magazines and job kits

The Careers with STEM magazine series provides details of STEM career pathways, including real and current examples of people and jobs.

Whatever your students’ goals, discover careers and study paths combining STEM with their interests.


The Careers with STEM magazines cover careers across science, technology, engineering and maths. Careers with STEM is for high school students, careers advisers, teachers and parents to discover careers and study paths.

The Careers with STEM Job kits provide a complete introduction to individual STEM careers. Discover what a specific STEM job is all about, meet real people working in that job and gain tips on how to get on that career path. Published by

Heather Catchpole and Karen Taylor-Brown are co-founders of Refraction Media, a media company specialising in STEM. Refraction Media provides students and teachers with the popular magazine, Careers with STEM.


Careers with STEM magazines

Job kits


Careers with STEM magazines

Job kits


Careers with STEM magazines

Job kits


Careers with STEM magazines

Reproduced and made available for copying and communication by NSW Department of Education with the permission of Refraction Media, applying Creative Commons 4.0External link licensing to the Works. Published by CareerswithSTEM.comExternal link.


  • STEM careers
  • Stage 4
  • Stage 5
  • Stage 6

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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