How can we all get involved in National Road Safety Week 2021

National Road Safety Week 16-23 May is a week where everyone can stop and realise road safety is everyone's responsibility.

Schools can get involved in many ways with the different themes chosen for each day during National Road Safety Week. How could you and your school get involved and highlight some of the key messages with your school community?

Key themes of the week

Sunday - remembering the too many lives that are lost on our roads each year.

Monday - committing ourselves to protect every life by caring for our vulnerable road users, such as children, cyclists and the aged.

Tuesday - pledging to be a safe road user. This is a great time to reflect what are the expected safe behaviours of all road users.

Wednesday - move over and slow down and give space. A great message for our school zones.

Thursday - regional communities count. School communities can discuss the different needs of regional and metro school communities to be a safe community.

Friday - a time to focus on sharing the roads with cyclists and motorcyclists. Discussing with older students the importance of safe cycling to and from school.

Saturday - the most important message for the whole school community is for everyone to arrive home safely.

Road safety week can just be the beginning of encouraging everyone to be safe road users, not just this week but every week.

Check out our teaching and learning and communication resources to share with families. Talk with your local Road Safety Education Officer for more ideas.

  • Learning across the curriculum
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