Walk Safely to School Day can be the start of a new routine
Starting a routine of walking to school regularly is a fantastic way to promote health, safety, and sustainability.
12 April 2024

Walk Safely to School Day will be held on Friday 10th May 2024.
This year is the 25th year of National Walk Safely to School Day, which is coinciding with National Road Safety Week - 5-12 May 2024
This day is a great opportunity for families to walk to school together and have conversations about road safety, focussing on the key road safety messages.
Here are some tips to help make walking to school a regular part of your routine:
Plan your route: Take some time to plan the safest and most convenient route to walk to school. Consider pedestrian crossings, footpaths, and traffic lights.
Set a schedule: Decide on the days and times you'll walk to school each week. Consistency is key to forming a new habit. Try to stick to your schedule as much as possible.
Walk Safely to School Day could be the start of a new family routine.
Safety first:
ALWAYS hold your child’s hand until they are at least 8 years old. Closely supervise them until they are at least 10 years old.
ALWAYS hold your child's hand:
- when on the footpath
- when crossing the road or
- when in a car park
Teach your child about being a safe pedestrian: This includes watching out for driveways, walking facing traffic when there are no footpaths and always Stop, Look, Listen, Think, everytime you cross the road.
Avoid distractions: Set a good example by putting your phone away. Focus on your surroundings. If you need to use your phone, stop in a safe place.
Make it fun: Keep the walks enjoyable by talking about what you see and about your day. This can help make the time go quickly and make walking to school something your child looks forward to.
Join forces: Coordinate with other families in your neighbourhood to walk to school together. Not only does this make it more fun for the kids, but it also provides additional safety in numbers.
Celebrate achievements: Celebrate achievements along the way to keep motivation high. Whether it's reaching a certain number of walks or noticing improvements in fitness, acknowledging progress can help reinforce the habit.
Practise, Practise, Practise: The more supervised pedestrian experiences your child can get the better, so they will be ready to safely travel by themselves when they are older.
Did you know:
- children need a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise every day?
- one step uses 200 muscles? You only use 17 muscles to smile.
- it’s easy to get that amount of exercise if you and your child walk to and from school, smiling.
Read more information about Safe travel
Walk Safely to School Day 2024 registration details
Visit Safety Town - online road safety education resource and information for families (Transport for NSW)
Be a safe active traveller often. Not just to and from school
- Teaching and learning