Professional learning and support

Professional learning materials to enhance your understanding of the NSW PDHPE K-10 syllabus, Child Protection Education curriculum materials and effective delivery of child protection education.


Teaching consent

Watch the expert panel as they discuss consent education as part of sexuality education. Questions are embedded for reflection on your learning.

Discussions focus on:

  • what our students want to learn

  • influences on the sexual attitudes and behaviours of our students

  • enablers for effective sexuality education in our classrooms and schools

  • consent as a concept and how should it be taught from kindergarten to year 12

  • how to address and promote inclusivity in our sexuality education classrooms

  • the ingredients for effective sexuality and consent education programs and lessons

  • opportunities for consent education in our syllabus.

Teaching consent video (1 hour: 15 minutes plus question reflection time)

Teaching consent - PDHPE professional learning

Child protection education resources

A short video overviewing the Child Protection Education curriculum resources and how they can be used.

Child protection education resources video (1 minute: 15 seconds)

Introducing resources for Early Stage 1 to Stage 5

New resources are available to help schools provide child protection education. Child protection education is mandatory in all NSW public schools from Kindergarten to Year 10 as part of the personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE) curriculum.

These new resources reflect the change from the old to the new PDHPE syllabus. Strong links are made to outcomes and content and a strengths-based approach is taken to all teaching and learning activities.

Teachers can use the resources to teach child protection education that is relevant to students and inclusive of all learners based on their needs and context. Opportunities are included for students to reflect on situations and issues based on their own life experiences in a safe and supportive learning environment.

Access the new child protection education resources by visiting the PDHPE page of the department’s website.

End of transcript


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