Invictus Games Sydney Education Project

The Invictus Australia Education Project is a joint initiative between the NSW Department of Education and Invictus Australia; which aims to provide high quality curriculum materials drawing on the values of the Invictus movement.
About Invictus Australia
Watch this short introductory film (2:10 min) to learn about Invictus Australia and understand why they are so unique.
(Duration: 2 minutes 10 seconds)
Peter Cosgrove
The Invictus Games Sydney in 2018 shone a spotlight on the healing power of sport for veterans.
Matt Formston
The Invictus is about so much more than sport. It captures hearts, challenges lives. It changes lives.
Rachel Kerrigan
Since the closing ceremony we have united veterans, families of veterans, sporting bodies, government, corporates and the Australian public under the banner of Veterans Sport Australia …
Curtis Mcgrath Oam
… showcasing sport's impact on recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration …
Meg Ward
Encouraging Australians to embrace our veterans every day. The Invictus Movement now finds a permanent home in Australia as we become Invictus, Australia.
Peter Cosgrove
The Invictus generation is defining what it means to serve.
Andrew Gee Invictus Australia will break down barriers and open up new opportunities …
Gwen Cherne
… to improve the health and wellbeing of our military personnel and their families.
Curtus McGrath Oam
Invictus means Unconquered.
At Invictus Australia we honour the unconquerable spirit of those who have served. I. You. We. Us
[end of transcript]
Key inquiry focus questions
The central educational engagement of the project encourages guided inquiry based on the central themes of inclusion, resilience and service.
Inclusion is about a fair, equitable, healthy, and high-performing community where everyone is respected, feel engaged and motivated, and their contributions are valued.
Many soldiers, sailors and flyers leave military service with injuries, that we can see and those that we cannot see.
In the Invictus Games injured veterans use sport to help their recovery. They inspire each other. It gives them the strength and drive to keep going. Irrespective of injury, they can display to the public, to the world, that they are unconquered.
There is a range of adaptive sports: where equipment and rules are changed to accommodate physical injury. These sports include archery, athletics, indoor rowing, power lifting, sitting volleyball, swimming, cycling, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair rugby, sailing, table tennis and more.
- People with disabilities experience a range of challenges in everyday life.
- Can you identify some of these challenges?
- Explore how you could improve accessibility in your local community and for the future.
- There are a range of accessible adaptations in society for people with a physical disability - but not all disabilities are physical.
- How do you identify disabilities which aren't physical?
- Explore how you can better support mental health and wellbeing in your community.
- The Invictus Games uses sport to promote positive physical and mental health for injured veterans.
- What other ways have soldiers coped with post-war challenges in the past?
- Explore how what we've learned in the past can help us in the future.
- The Invictus Games showcases the ability of wounded war veterans with a positive approach.
- How can we support and include other types of communities who face challenges and share their stories?
- Explore the ideas behind the Invictus Games and use them as a model for change in other areas of the community.
Resilience – unconquered
When we watch the Invictus Games, we see a lot of coverage and focus on physical injuries. Many veterans have had a psychological injury including post-traumatic stress disorder.
Resilience is a word that describes how individuals and teams adapt, recover and thrive in situations of risk, challenge, danger, complexity and adversity.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can develop after single or repeated exposure to traumatic events.
It is normal to feel upset after traumatic events. For some people, the distressing symptoms get worse so that being ‘normal’ at work and in their private lives is severely affected. They need a doctor or psychologist to recover and get back to normal.
Sport can help in recovery.
- The Invictus Games uses sport to build resilience. How does sport impact on us mentally and physically?
- Explore options at your school to improve mental and physical wellbeing.
- We are learning all the time about resilience and its links to mental and physical health.
- What have we learnt about the past which has improved life for others?
- Explore what the future holds for those affected by mental and physical health challenges.
- People with disabilities experience a range of challenges in everyday life. How could you help someone who has a disability?
- Explore what changes that you could make in your school to make it more accessible.
- There are a range of accessible adaptations in society for people with a physical disability - but not all disabilities are physical.
- How do you identify disabilities which aren't physical?
- Explore how you can better support mental health and wellbeing in your community.
Military service refers to the service rendered by individuals in the army, air force, and naval force. It involves more than just joining and receiving military training. Former Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove emphasized the importance of military service in protecting the lives, freedoms, and liberties that we cherish. He is a great example of what it means to serve.
HRH The Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry, has spoken extensively about service in the context of the Invictus movement:
"Duty and service is in their blood."
"Let the examples of service and resilience that you have seen inspire you to take action to improve something, big or small, in your life for your family or in your community." "Once you've served, you are always serving."
An Invictus competitor expressed the significance of serving one's country, stating, "You're pulling on a uniform, following a code of conduct, and conducting yourself in a manner befitting the state given to you. Representing the country and serving are essentially the same. It's the highest accolade you can receive, and it gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling knowing I'm representing my country every morning."
- There are many different kinds of service in our community military, community and others.
- What are the benefits of service to our community?
- Explore the kinds of service that might exist in your school or local communities.
- The veterans of the Invictus Games have served our nation.
- What does it mean to serve your country?
- Explore the benefits that both service people and our society gain from serving others.
- The Invictus Games veterans have served in many different capacities through conflict, peace time and even natural disasters.
- What forms of military service are there?
- Explore the different roles that the military plays and explore the different organisations that comprise our Defence Forces.
- The Invictus Games celebrates veterans from the Defence Forces who have served our country.
- How could we celebrate other forms of community?
- Explore ideas to support the recognition and celebration of those who serve in other capacities.
Online modules
Everyone can play. That's the message in this Stage 3 unit on adaptive and inclusive sports and games. Adaptive sports are not just for people with a disability, in fact adaptive sports make important changes that allow everyone to play in a fair and fun way. Learn about some of the adaptive sports played at the Invictus Games, play some adaptive sports and games with your class and then create your own own adaptive sport.
This module explores the skills, strategies and technologies available to manage change and challenges, linking the history of technology with mindsets of resilience and strength to the modern-day Invictus Games competitor.
View Stage 3 – Adaptive sport, technology and the Invictus Games
This module explores the science of biomechanics to capture, analyse and improve the ways their bodies perform in order to reach undiscovered peaks of achievements – with a focus on marginal gains, or small improvements and modifications in movements that can lead to major impacts on performance.
View Stage 4 – Sports science and biomechanics in elite and adaptive sports
This module explores developments in prosthetic technologies through time to assist veterans, including the Invictus Games competitors, as well as focusing on the future possibilities.
This module examines perceptions of veteran wellbeing and Australia’s role in wars throughout the 20th century, linking these historical perceptions with today’s celebration of Invictus Games competitors.
This module investigates inventions and designs that seek to improve access for all, leading to a project-based task in which students design, market and create a prototype of their own inclusive invention.
This module explores Australia's involvement in contemporary conflict and peacekeeping missions, the role of service personnel through time and stories of contemporary service personnel who competed in the Invictus Games Sydney 2018.