Anzac soil collection program

As part of the NSW Centenary of Anzac the NSW Government, together with the Trustees, has expanded the Anzac Memorial Hyde Park Sydney to bring to life the original 1930s vision of the Memorial. The enhanced Memorial includes state-of-the-art education spaces and a new 'Hall of Service' that features a commissioned art installation containing soil from significant sites around the world and across NSW. The soil has been preserved and displayed next to the names of each town it was collected from, symbolising the ground where men and women enlisted from for the First World War.

NSW schools contribution

In 2017 NSW Public Schools were given an opportunity to participate in this statewide project and to establish a deep and lasting connection with NSW history and the Anzac tradition. Schools were invited to collect soil material from their local school grounds as part of the soil collection program, and submit it for inclusion in the Anzac Memorial Centenary Project as a symbolic reflection of the value and importance the Anzac legend holds in the hearts and minds of all Australians.

Participation in this once in a lifetime event provided a great opportunity for schools to build strong and connected communities through the commemoration of Anzac.

After contributing to this initiative, students will be able to visit the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park with a deeper personal connection to NSW state history and the spirit of Anzac. School participation in this initiative will be acknowledged in digital content that will become available at the Memorial.

Guided by the Research and Adopt a Veteran program, school communities can identify and foster relationships with local war veterans to connect young and old and ensure that memories, individual experiences and war time contributions are recognised and remembered. Resources such as Lest We Forget enable students to learn about the significance of and coordinate school ceremonies for Anzac and Remembrance Days.


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