Anzac resources

The following learning and teaching resources have been developed to commemorate the centenary of World War I (WWI).

Stage 2

  • Anzac symbols – students discuss significant Anzac symbols such as the slouch hat and the rising sun badge with Brad Manera from the Hyde Park Anzac Memorial. Primary evidence in the form of historical film and photos are provided as are links to a variety of secondary sources.
  • Lest we forget – students collaborate, apply knowledge and organise a ceremonial event for a real audience to commemorate World War I.

Stage 5

  • A soldier's war: Gallipoli – students engage in a collaborative task with historical source material to create a documentary.
  • Charles Bean’s war explores Depth Study 3: Australians at War. Students reflect on how war was represented through the writing of Charles Bean and as a class, produce a 'This is your life' style podcast.
  • Off to war: Australia answers the call features primary and secondary sources for students to examine:
    • the causes of WWI
    • Australia's reaction to the outbreak of war
    • the plight of Indigenous soldiers
    • propaganda
    • enlistment.

Early Stage 1 to Stage 5

WeCommemorate – a series of classroom-based challenges for Early Stage 1 to Stage 5 history and Stage 4 geography students.

Professional learning

Commemorating Anzac through engaging learning – learning and teaching activities for K–10 subjects across the key learning areas to remember the contribution of the Anzacs and strengthen ties between school and community.


  • HSIE
  • HSIE - History
  • Modern History
  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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