Water in the world

A Stage 4 learning sequence, where students investigate how the operation of the water cycle connects people and places

Key inquiry questions

  • Why does the spatial distribution of water resources vary globally and within countries?
  • How do natural and human processes influence the distribution and availability of water as a resource?
  • What effect does the uneven distribution of water resources have on people, places and environments?
  • What approaches can be used to sustainably manage water resources and reduce water scarcity?



  • examine water as a resource and the factors influencing water flows and availability of water resources in different places
  • investigate the nature of water scarcity and assess ways of overcoming it
  • discuss variations in people’s perceptions about the value of water and the need for sustainable water management’
  • investigate processes that continue to shape the environment including an atmospheric or hydrologic hazard.


Please note:

Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Geography K-10 (2012) SyllabusExternal link © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2012

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