Civics and Citizenship
A supplementary document to support the National Assessment Program Civics and Citizenship (NAPCC) to develop student’s knowledge, skills and understanding of the content and processes of the civics and citizenship learning across the curriculum content area.
This document has been written by teachers to assist you to prepare their students for this assessment. The document provides sample teaching and learning activities which align to the Civics and Citizenship Assessment Framework. Please note – this document is intended as a guide only.
7-10 Students
At the secondary level, in much of the civics and citizenship framework there is little alignment with the NSW secondary geography and history K-10 syllabuses. Whilst some activities can support the Stage 5 history Depth study 2 topic, Making a nation, most are guided by the content and skills in the National Assessment Program Civics and Citizenship Assessment Framework. Hence for Year 10, the document has standalone activities that may focus secondary students’ knowledge, skills and understandings that are required for the purpose of the assessment on civics and citizenship
Please note:
Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from History K-10 (2012) Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2012