Explicit teaching strategies

The evidence is clear that explicit teaching strategies enhance learning for all students in every classroom.

At the centre of the explicit teaching graphic is the teaching and learning cycle. This is surrounded by the enabling factors. ​Surrounding the enabling factors are the evidence-based strategies.​

8 segments of explicit teaching strategies surround the 4 enabling factors. These surround the teaching and learning cycle. The strategies are chunking and sequencing learning connecting learning sharing success criteria sharing learning intentions gradual release of responsibility using effective feedback checking for understanding and using effective questioning Enabling factors are high expectations safe inclusive learning environment know the content and how to teach it and know students and how they learn 8 segments of explicit teaching strategies surround the 4 enabling factors. These surround the teaching and learning cycle. The strategies are chunking and sequencing learning connecting learning sharing success criteria sharing learning intentions gradual release of responsibility using effective feedback checking for understanding and using effective questioning Enabling factors are high expectations safe inclusive learning environment know the content and how to teach it and know students and how they learn
Image: Figure 4 Explicit teaching in NSW public schools graphic.

Explicit teaching strategies respond to what we know about how students learn. Teachers use their professional expertise to choose the right strategy at the right time for the right purpose.

Read more about the strategies:


  • Teaching and learning


  • Explicit teaching

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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