Attendance in public preschools

Information about preschool attendance, including why it matters, approved attendance patterns and the benefits of attendance.

Preschool attendance matters as it helps give children the best start in life and provides important opportunities to learn and build relationships.

Public preschools operate on the same days and hours as NSW public schools. See NSW term dates and school holidays.

Attendance patterns

Each preschool makes a local decision in consultation with their community about the attendance pattern offered to ensure each child is offered 600 hours of preschool over the year (or 15 hours a week).

Approved attendance patterns are:

  • a 5-day fortnight program, with children attending 3 days one week and 2 days in the alternate week (18 hours one week and 12 hours the next)
  • alternate semesters or terms, with children attending 2 days a week in one term or semester, and 3 days in the alternate term or semester.

Attendance information for families

Consistently attending preschool gives children the best start in life and offers important opportunities to learn and develop.

Research shows that children who participate in quality preschool programs are more likely to arrive at school equipped with the social, cognitive and emotional skills they need to help them to continue learning.

To maximise the benefits of preschool for your child, families are encouraged to:

  • attend as often as possible throughout the year
  • arrive at preschool as close as possible after the session start time
  • collect your child as close as possible before the session finish time
  • sign your child in and out, recording the time of arrival and departure on the preschool's paper-based attendance register
  • communicate reasons for any absence from preschool to your child’s teacher or the school office by phone, email, or your school’s preferred communication app as soon as possible
  • ensure any authorised collectors such as OOSH provider, neighbours or grandparents bring identification so unfamiliar educators can complete verification
  • ensure all authorised collectors know and follow the points above
  • talk to your preschool teacher or school principal if you have questions about your child’s enrolment or attendance.

Go to Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Resources for families for more information.


  • Teaching and learning


  • Rolls and attendance

Business Unit:

  • Early Childhood Outcomes
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