Support for 100 new public preschools
Ongoing support and resources to help you establish, lead and manage a high-quality public preschool.
As you begin your journey of leading and operating a public preschool, we know you will have questions. The early learners team in Early Childhood Outcomes is here to help. We will provide ongoing support and resources to help you establish, lead and manage a high-quality public preschool every step of the way.
Roles and responsibilities
Public preschools operate under the National Quality Framework (NQF), which provides a national approach to regulation, assessment and quality improvement in early childhood services. The early learners team fulfil the requirements of the Approved Provider of all NSW public preschools and is accountable for all compliance aspects and breaches of the NQF. The NQF includes:
- National Law and Regulations
- National Quality Standard (NQS)
- Assessment and quality rating process
- National Approved Learning Frameworks
Each school has a key contact in the early learners team, who will provide immediate and ongoing support to ensure your preschool is compliant with the NQF leading up to the opening and throughout the operation of your preschool.
The team currently manages 100 public preschools across the state and has the experience, expertise and knowledge to support your school in meeting the requirements of the National Quality Framework (NQF)External link. The NQF is Australia’s system for regulating early learning and school-age care.
Key information
We encourage you to familiarise yourself with the early learners webpages on how to lead and operate a public preschool.
- An overview of public preschools
- Enrolment – including attandence patterns, application process and eligibility
- Working in public preschool – including staffing entitlement, recruitment and pay
- Policies and procedures
- Continuous improvement in the preschool.
- Leading a public preschool – a series of short learning modules to support preschool leaders, each relating to an aspect of leading and managing a public preschool.
User journey
The user journey (PDF 68.82 KB) provides a high-level overview of what principals can expect when establishing and operating a public preschool. The various touchpoints are broken up into 4 phases:
- Familiarisation
- Preparing for service approval
- Before opening
- During the first 3 months of operation.
Working with Aboriginal Education Consultative Groups (AECG)
Engagement with local AECGs is critical to ensuring that public preschools are culturally responsive and connected to community.
Many principals already have strong relationships with their local AECG. More information and support about engaging with local AECGs and your new preschool will be shared in early 2025.
We continue to work with the NSW AECG to support the 100 public preschool implementation.
Staffing and administrative support
The 100 preschools team are engaging with principals and teams in existing public preschools to understand what is working well and what could be enhanced in the new public preschools. This includes staffing and administrative requirement of preschools and delivering culturally responsive preschools.
See more information about staffing entitlements, recruitment and pay.
More information
If you have questions about leading and managing a public preschool, contact the early learners team at or call 1300 083 698.
Contact the 100 preschools team at if you have questions about the 100 public preschools program.