Working in partnership

Connected Communities Schools operate as hubs for the delivery of government and non-government services which support the educational, health and wellbeing needs of students and their families.

Under the 'hub' model, schools form partnerships with government agencies such as Health, Communities and Justice and Police, as well as with non-government agencies like local Aboriginal medical services.

Schools work with key community organisations and Aboriginal community leaders to ensure there is strong support for the voice of the Aboriginal community and that Aboriginal language and cultural programs reflect local cultural contexts.


The NSW Aboriginal Consultative Group Incorporated (NSW AECG Inc.) is an important partner in ensuring the successful implementation of the Connected Communities Strategy.

Schools work closely with NSW AECG through its network of regional and local AECGs to strengthen their understanding of the needs of Aboriginal communities and students with a view to achieving their jointly agreed goal – to improve educational outcomes for Aboriginal students.

The NSW AECG. to provide professional learning for staff in Connected Communities school building understandings of Aboriginal Culture to support them to develop culturally inclusive curriculum.

  • The Connecting to Country cultural immersion program is facilitated in partnership with the AECG and has been delivered at all Connected Communities schools.


  • Communication and engagement
  • External engagement

Business Unit:

  • Aboriginal Education and Communities
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