Local School Reference Groups

All Connected Communities schools have a Local School Reference Group chaired by the President of the local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group. Membership includes a representative from the school's P&C, parents, Aboriginal Elders and/or Aboriginal community members and the Executive Principal.

Purpose and function

The Local School Reference Group works collaboratively with the Executive Principal in the development, planning and shared decision making of each school’s Connected Communities Strategy.

The construct of the Local School Reference Group was developed exclusively for Connected Communities schools to empower the voice of Aboriginal people. Each school has a unique governance structure which reflects the very essence of key stakeholder engagement by involving members of the Community in the vision and aspirations their locality is forging for its youth.


The Local School Reference Group’s core membership, as per the Terms of Reference, is as follows:

  • Local AECG President (Chair)
  • P&C representative (Vice Chair) – where a P&C Association operates
  • two parents
  • two Elders and/or Aboriginal community members
  • Executive Principal
  • Senior Leader, Community Engagement or Leader Community Engagement (provides executive support only)
The Executive Principal is a key member of the Local School Reference Group whose role is to represent the school by providing updates, information and suggestions for the group's knowledge and /or consideration.


The Executive Principal is responsible for leading the establishment of the Local School Reference Group.

The Chair

The School Reference Group is chaired by the Local AECG President or the nominated Local AECG representative. The Vice Chair is the P&C representative, where a P&C Association operates.

If no P&C operates then the Local School Reference Group chooses who will become Vice Chair.

The Chair should undertake additional duties such as represent and act on behalf of the Local School Reference Group between meetings, set meeting dates and agendas (previously agreed by the Local School Reference Group) and table correspondence at the next available meeting.

The Executive Principal and the Chair meet on an agreed regular basis to discuss issues and actions arising from meetings and matters that may impact on the implementation of the strategy.

The Chair and Vice Chair will also ensure the Local School Reference Group is promoting the progress of the School Reference Group and the broader Connected Communities Strategy accurately.

Conflict of interests

Where a conflict of interest arises, eg. a member may be employed within the school, the relevant group nominates another representative once the level of conflict is determined.

Adding other members

Once the core membership of the Local School Reference Group is established, additional members can be considered.

If you are interested in joining your local School Reference Group, contact the Executive Principal for more information.

See Current Connected Communities School locations.

The core membership discuss new membership applications at a formal meeting and ensure the decision is minuted.

Inter-Age3ncy representatives may be invited to participate in the activities of a Local School Reference Group on a temporary basis if full time membership is not appropriate, particularly if the Local School Reference Group needs specialised advice.

Support for the Local School Reference Groups

The school is responsible for resourcing the Local School Reference Group such as meeting expenses and feasibility studies undertaken.

The Senior Leader/Leader Community Engagement is responsible for the coordination and support of the Local School Reference Group.

This includes documenting meeting discussions and outcomes, coordinating information amongst the group and the preparation of proposals for consideration.

Governance training is offered to members of the Local School Reference Group for their professional development.


  • Learning

Business Unit:

  • Aboriginal Education and Communities
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