Connecting with community

A key principle of the Connected Communities Strategy is working in partnership with the local community to inform the delivery of the strategy and related services at the local level.

Schools are encouraged to establish links with community service providers to better support the educational, health and wellbeing needs of students.

Connected Communities includes a range of ‘community-based’ components including:

Local School Reference Groups

Local School Reference Groups work in partnership with their community to set the vision and direction of the school and to advise the Executive Principal on the implementation of the Connected Communities Strategy.

They contribute to defining local goals and aspirations, identifying student needs and communicating views of the Aboriginal community and other stakeholders.

Learn more about Local School Reference Groups.

Inter-Agency cooperation

Connected Communities schools collaborate with external government and non-government agencies to facilitate the delivery of services at the school and to support the learning, development and wellbeing needs of their students and families. Each Connected Communities school employs an Aboriginal-identified community engagement officer to assist the Executive Principals build relationships between the school, the local Aboriginal community and the respective inter-agencies and organisations.

Learn more about Executive Principals and Senior Leaders.


  • External engagement

Business Unit:

  • Aboriginal Education and Communities
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