How can I support my child's wellbeing during suspension?
The following information is available in 35 languages on this page: Supporting your child's wellbeing.
How to support your child
A good place to start when supporting your child's health and wellbeing during suspension is to gather expert information and advice. For practical advice and information to support your child’s wellbeing follow this links:
Positive and open communication between home and school helps provide students with the best chance to succeed:
Reassure your child that they are a valued member of the school community.
Raise any concerns with the school.
Work in partnership with the school team to develop and implement strategies that support your child's engagement in learning.
Attend your child’s suspension resolution meeting. This may be held face to face, online or over the phone using the format that will give the best chance of a positive discussion.
Talk to your child about appropriate behaviour that shapes positive, safe, inclusive and respectful learning environments.
Encourage your child to actively share their thoughts and ideas respectfully.
Learning from home while on suspension
A member of staff will contact you, or your child, regularly during the suspension period.
Help your child learn by setting clear times for work periods during the day, finding a quiet space, and asking how their learning is progressing.
Make sure they have breaks, drink water and support them if they become stressed or worried.
Allow time for physical activity.
Supervise your child to use technology safely. The Using technology site holds information and resources that you may find useful.
Helpful links
- Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Call on 1800 55 1800.
Telephone interpreter service
If you need an interpreter to assist you to contact the school or the local Department of Education office, please call the telephone interpreter service on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter in your language. Tell the operator the phone number you want to ring, and the operator will get an interpreter on the line to help you with your conversation. You will not be charged for this service.